Paladin's security contract to come to an end on Manus Island

The Australian and Papua New Guinean governments have signalled the controversial security company Paladin's contract to provide services to asylum seekers on Manus Island will not be renewed,a day afterPNG Prime Minister James Marape called for it to be terminated.

A joint statement issued by the Department of Home Affairs and the PNG government on Wednesday said:"The Papua New Guinea government has advised it intends to assume responsibility for service delivery and will contract local providers through an open market competitive procurement process."

Asylum seekers in a detention centre on Manus Island in 2014.

Asylum seekers in a detention centre on Manus Island in 2014.AAP

While the PNG-run procurement process takes place,"both countries have agreed to a limited extension of existing contract arrangements and in parallel,will review current contract arrangements to ensure they remain fit for purpose,"the statement said.

Once the new service providers are in place the"Australian held contracts will be terminated".

Paladin was embroiled in controversy earlier this year after it was revealed the company had won contracts worth $423 million after being given just six days to prepare its initial bid.

The company hadpreviously been registered to a beach shack on Kangaroo Island and the tender process was"limited"to few if any other bidders after a previous tender process run by the PNG government fell through in 2017.

Mr Marape said on Tuesday he wanted services on Manus Island to be delivered by local service providers in response to a question in PNG's Parliament from an MP who asked what the government was doing to"take back PNG".

Shadow Home Affairs Minister Kristina Keneally said Labor welcomed the transition to an open tender process for future contracts in PNG,which it said Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton had previously"failed to do with Paladin".

"Australia still has skin in the game and it is incumbent on Peter Dutton to ensure any future contracts in PNG are fit for purpose and ensure value for money if services are being funded by the Australian taxpayer,"Senator Keneally said.

Earlier this month Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton told the ABC that the"likely arrangement is that there will be a continuation"of Paladin's contract.

"The department will work with the PNG authorities. We've got to make sure we're getting value for money,"Mr Dutton said at the time.

Neither the PNG or Australian governments provided a timeline for the transition of service provision on Manus to local providers.

"The Governments of Australia and Papua New Guinea will not provide ongoing commentary on future contract negotiations,"the joint statement said.

Asylum seekers on Manus Island live in guarded accommodation located in the local community.

There has been aspate of incidents of self-harm by asylum seekers on the island in recent months,withclaims of a worsening health crisis.

Since'medevac'laws came into effect four months ago,allowing the transfer of sick refugees or asylum-seekers from Manus Island and Nauru to Australia for treatment,the government has approved 31 medical transfers.

Nick Bonyhady is a technology writer for the Australian Financial Review,based in Sydney. He is a former technology editor,industrial relations and politics reporter at the Sydney Morning Herald and Age.

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