Plan needed to cope with indefinite international border closures

Australia’s strict system of 14-day hotel quarantine for overseas arrivals has been a crucial weapon in the fight against COVID-19 but many will have shed a sigh of frustration at the news that there is still no plan or time frame to end it.

Some might have hoped the rapid deployment of vaccines would allowAustralia to open up sooner,allowing them to take off on that long-delayed holiday or to visit loved ones overseas.

But Health Department secretary Brendan Murphy said on Monday he expected the current system to remain in place for most of this year.

Professor Murphy says that borders could stay closed even after a large percentage of Australia’s population has been vaccinated because it is still unclear whether vaccination will prevent transmission of the virus rather than simply stop people from getting seriously ill.

If borders are opened,he implies,people in Australia who cannot or will not be vaccinated could still be at risk.

International travel restrictions have been a crucial part of Australia’s strategy for suppressing COVID-19 here. That is one of the reasons why theAustralian Open Tennis players now complaining about the rigours of hotel quarantine sound so petulant.

Some of the players might be right that they were not adequately briefed on what hotel quarantine involved and the ban on court time for all those on flights with positive cases will certainly disadvantage players who cannot practice.

But all the 446,000 Australians who havereturned to Australia in the past year have sat in those same hotel rooms bored,frustrated and watching television. Melbourne lived through a 15-week lockdown in order to fight the disease. The tennis players are not being singled out. They should realise that,in many respects,they are lucky to be here at all.

Just like the closure of state borders,however,the international travel restrictions carry very significant costs,which go well beyond making it hard to hold tennis tournaments.

With the borders closed all year,the tourism industry says it now needs help to cope after the end of the JobKeeper program in March. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on the weekend said he hadshelved his plan to restart the $32 billion international student industry because of the reduction in hotel quarantine capacity to help keep out the new more contagious strains of the virus.

Professor Murphy has said he wants to open borders as quickly as possible but,just as with state border closures,it will be hard to decide what risk is acceptable.

Unlessfuture studies show vaccinated travellers cannot spread the disease,allowing them in will involve some level of risk.

The federal government could start by letting in people selectively from countries with low infection rates,similar to Australia,in “bubble” arrangements such as that planned with New Zealand.

In the meantime,federal and state governments should be looking at improving and expanding the current hotel quarantine system to meet more of the unmet demand and make it more pleasant and safe.

Ending state border closures would be a very quick way of freeing up places in quarantine hotels which are now being taken by interstate travellers.

But the federal and state governments should also open up more facilities,not just in hotels. The federal government on the weekend announcedanother 20 repatriation flights for stranded Australians overseas but that is a drop in the bucket.

Army bases and detention centres like those of Howard Springs in the Northern Territory with outdoor spaces could also be used. Countries such as Taiwan have let many travellers home quarantine,using smartphone apps and tracking devices to check their whereabouts,whereas in Australia home quarantine has been reserved for a few VIPs.

The system of hotel quarantine was started as an emergency measure but,if it is to last indefinitely,the federal government must commit more resources.

Note from the Editor

TheHeraldeditor Lisa Davies writes a weekly newsletter exclusively for subscribers. To have it delivered to your inbox,please sign up here.

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