Political forces unite to reject far right and deny One Nation preferences

A series of powerful political campaigns will seek to defeat far-right candidates at the federal election as major parties and activist groups warn against the rise of extremism in the wake of the Christchurch terror attacks.

Australians will be urged to reject Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and controversial Queensland senator Fraser Anning amid accusations they have inflamed racial hatred.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has denied that her party’s “anti-Muslim rhetoric” drives extremist attacks. Vision:Seven News

The fortunes of the far-right have depended in the past on preference deals with the major parties,but similar arrangements are now off the agenda ahead of the election.

Labor has vowed to put One Nation and Senator Anning last on its how-to-vote cards at the election in May,while the union movement and activist group GetUp! are also preparing to mobilise against right-wing candidates.

A Liberal Party spokesman said the party"will not be doing any preference deals"with One Nation and would urge voters to reject Senator Anning.

Senator Anning cannot be expelled from the Senate without the chamber first voting to amend the Parliamentary Privileges Act of 1987 to restore this historic power,an unlikely scenario given fears the power would be abused.

The government and the opposition are co-operating on a bipartisan censure motion against him over his remarks last Friday,when he blamed Muslims for the attacks against them,but only a defeat at an election can deprive him of his Senate position and salary.

GetUp! chief Paul Oosting said Senator Anning's comments should be condemned and the Coalition should"get their own house in order"on their inflammatory language on race.

"We need to get all hate speech out of politics,"he said.

GetUp! and the union movement dedicated hundreds of volunteers to the by-elections last July and are preparing to do the same at the general election,testing their ability to counter One Nation and Senator Anning.

Abstaining:Pauline Hanson will not vote against Fraser Anning.

Abstaining:Pauline Hanson will not vote against Fraser Anning.Alex Ellinghausen

ACTU national secretary Sally McManus labelled Senator Anning a fascist and said the union movement’s campaign across the country would tell voters that migrants were not the cause of labour hire"rip-offs"and low wages.

"People like him have cynically used race and religion to further their own political agenda by dividing,distracting and spreading lies. They and their tactics are dangerous and despicable,"Ms McManus said.

"Our living standards are going backwards because of the policies of the Morrison government,not because of any religion."

Senator Hanson said on Mondayshe would abstain on the censure motion against Senator Anning,who entered Parliament as one of her candidates before joining Katter’s Australia Party and then sitting as an independent.

Labor legal affairs spokesman Mark Dreyfus said it was"disgraceful"that Senator Hanson would abstain on the censure motion rather than condemn Senator Anning.

"It’s because of the conduct of One Nation that Labor will be putting One Nation and Senator Anning last at the next election,and we call on all of the mainstream parties to put Senator Anning and One Nation last,"Mr Dreyfus said.

The Nationals,however,are leaving their options open.

"Fraser Anning's comments and actions have been abhorrent and should be viewed with disdain,"said Deputy Prime Minister and Nationals leader Michael McCormack.

"When it comes to preferences,as is the case with every election,The Nationals are a grass roots party and decisions are made at a state and local level. These decisions will be made closer to election day when all the candidates are known."

David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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