'Rank socialism':Facebook removes senator's official page over hate speech

Facebook appears to have unpublished the official page of Katter's Australia Party senator Fraser Anning over a number of posts that violated its community standards.

Senator Anning,who was widely condemned for using the phrase"final solution"in his maiden speech to Parliament,took to Twitter around 2pm on Friday to post a screen shot showing a message from Facebook informing him that his page had been unpublished – something he described as"an unprecedented step".

Senator Fraser Anning

Senator Fraser AnningAlex Ellinghausen

"It looks like recent activity on your page doesn't follow the Facebook Pages Terms,"the message stated,giving him the option to appeal the decision.

A spokeswoman from Facebook would not confirm that the company had unpublished the page,but stated that pages may be removed either by the admin,or due to"multiple violations"of its terms.

Those terms include provisions against disseminating hate speech.

Facebook defines hate speech as"a direct attack on people based on ... protected characteristics — race,ethnicity,national origin,religious affiliation,sexual orientation,caste,sex,gender,gender identity,and serious disease or disability.

"We also provide some protections for immigration status. We define attack as violent or dehumanizing speech,statements of inferiority,or calls for exclusion or segregation."

A Facebook user who anonymously reported one of Senator Anning's video posts more than a week ago said she was notified at 1.30pm today that the page and all of its posts had been removed.

"I nearly fell off my chair,"she said.

The video she reported was Senator Anning's speech about Safe Schools,in which he described the program aimed at creating a safer school environment to LGBTI children as"disgusting garbage,""institutionalised child abuse"and"sexually deviant propaganda".

"I reported it as hate speech because none of it was factually correct,just based on his uneducated prejudices as well as the fact that it’s preaching hate against a very vulnerable group of people,"she said.

The message a Facebook user received more than a week after reporting one of Senator Fraser Anning's posts.

The message a Facebook user received more than a week after reporting one of Senator Fraser Anning's posts.Facebook

Senator Anning,who's also a proponent of stopping Muslim immigration and"deporting all African gang members and their families,"stirred outrage when he used the phrase"final solution to the immigration problem"in his maiden speech to Parliament last month while extolling the virtues of race-based immigration policy.

A spokesman for Senator Anning said his Facebook page had received more than 2,000 new likes this week before it was removed.

In a statement,Senator Anning said the move was an attack on democracy.

"In shutting down my Facebook page,a foreign corporation isn’t just shutting down free speech it is attacking Australian Democracy,"he said.

"Supressing (sic) someone’s view or opinion just because you may disagree with them amounts to nothing more than rank socialism."

He also pointed to the recent removal by Facebook of pages belonging to other outspoken right-wing people including conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his Infowars page (which were also removed by YouTube,Apple and Twitter).

"It would seem that the types of accounts Facebook has been shutting down makes it very clear where their political bias lies,"he said.

The move does appear to fit a new pattern of willingness from Facebook to take firm action against pages disseminating content that goes against its community standards.

When Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg testified to US Congress in April amid a number of privacy scandals,he admitted the platform had enabled the spreading of toxic misinformation and promised to do something about it.

"It’s clear now that we didn’t do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm,"Zuckerberg said."Andthat goes for fake news,foreign interference in elections and hate speech,as well as developers and data privacy."

"One of my top priorities in 2018 is getting this right,"he said.

Jenny Noyes is a journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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