Tasmanian Speaker says Liberal senator questioned Brittany Higgins’ drunkenness

Tasmanian MP Sue Hickey has told State Parliament that Liberal senator Eric Abetz said former federal staffer Brittany Higgins could have put national security at risk by getting “disgustingly drunk”.

Senator Abetz confirmed to Sky News on Wednesday evening that he had spoken to Ms Hickey about Ms Higgins but said suggestions he excused Ms Higgins’ rape on account of her drunkenness were “absolutely disgusting” and false.

The long-serving Tasmanian senator issued a statement “categorically denying” the allegations,saying Ms Hickey had grossly mischaracterised their conversation. But Ms Hickey doubled down in Parliament and said she was insulted by his denials.

Senator Eric Abetz.

Senator Eric Abetz.Alex Ellinghausen

Ms Hickey,who was recently disendorsed as a Liberal candidate despite being Speaker of the House,used parliamentary privilege to reveal she spoke with Senator Abetz at the Hobart City Council citizenship ceremony on March 1.

“I casually asked the honourable Senator Eric Abetz if the minister allegedly accused of the alleged rape that occurred around 30 years ago was the honourable Christian Porter MP,” Ms Hickey told Tasmanian Parliament on Wednesday morning.

“The senator quickly responded that yes,it was the first law officer of the nation,Christian Porter,but not to worry,the woman is dead and the law will protect him.”

Mr Porter is on mental health leave after vehemently denying historical allegations that he raped a 16-year-old girl while he was a teenager at a debating tournament in the 1980s.

Ms Higgins revealed in February she had been raped in the office of then-defence industry minister Linda Reynolds in March 2019,allegedly by a colleague. She saidthe man signed her into Parliament House in the early hours of the morning and raped her on the couch in the minister’s office.

“[Senator Abetz] then said,‘As for that Higgins girl,anybody who is so disgustingly drunk,who would sleep with anybody,could have slept with one of our spies and put the security of our nation at risk,’ ” Ms Hickey said.

Ms Hickey said she asked Senator Abetz whythe security guards hadn’t stepped in knowing how drunk she appeared to be.

“He responded abruptly that if any security member dared to question the validity of access to the Parliament,by anyone who held a security pass,they would be sacked,” she said.

“I felt sick,knowing that the last line of protection for this young woman was not able to be provided due to the practices and protocols of that Parliament.”

Senator Abetz confirmed on Sky there had been “commentary” about Ms Higgins’ drunkenness in his conversation with Ms Hickey.

“I made observations to the effect that anybody that has the privilege of working in a ministerial office,especially in the defence minister’s office has a duty,in my mind,not to engage in public drunkenness,” Senator Abetz said. “That said,and let’s be exceptionally clear on this,this does not justify anybody seeking to commit the crime of rape,and to try to conflate those two matters is disgusting.”

He said that if Ms Hickey repeated her comments outside parliament he would consider his legal options but indicated he was unlikely to sue for defamation.

“But look,all that does is feeds lawyers and I was one in a previous life and I’m not sure I would necessarily have the financial resources to be able to do that,” Senator Abetz said.

In a separate statement,Senator Abetz said Ms Hickey’s “defamatory allegations” under parliamentary privilege were a gross mischaracterisation of his words.

“Allegations of rape are serious matters and have always been treated as such by me. Sexual assault is an issue on which I’ve been consistently outspoken including domestic violence,” he said.

“Ms Hickey’s suggestions otherwise is simply false. As someone who was on the inaugural committee of a women’s shelter and its honorary legal adviser for a decade prior to entering Parliament,I reject outright her suggestions and gross mischaracterisation of our discussion.”

Senator Abetz said Ms Hickey had not raised concerns with him about their conversation at the ceremony.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison stood by Senator Abetz given his denial,saying he would continue to serve in his role in the Senate.

“The comments that have been referred to by the Speaker are obviously repugnant,” Mr Morrison said in Question Time. “But what I can only refer to is the absolute denial of those statements by Senator Abetz. I was not a party to this conversation.”

After the Senator’s denial around lunchtime,Ms Hickie read a second statement in Tasmanian Parliament where she lashed Senator Abetz’s denials and stood by her initial remarks.

“As can be expected by Senator Abetz,he has responded with denial and very grubby politics,” Ms Hickie told the state parliament. “I am highly offended by this misleading and mischievous commentary.”

She said she had witnesses she had told of the discussion at the event,immediately afterwards and in the following days,all well before she lost Liberal preselection.

“The reason I raised it today was because I saw the ABC Four Corners story[on Monday] regarding the security guards’ inability to intervene in the Higgins incident and I felt compelled to call this out.”

Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein said he had spoken with Senator Abetz about the matter.

“A few weeks ago Ms Hickey raised this matter with me but not to the level of detail that was in her statements today and did not make a formal complaint to me or request that I take any action,” he said in a statement.

“As Ms Hickey has outlined her allegations in more detail in the Parliament,this afternoon I have written to the Prime Minister and requested that he consider the matters raised.”

Ms Hickey won her seat at the 2018 state election but caused controversy when she did a deal with Labor and the Greens to be installed as Speaker against the wishes of then-premier Will Hodgman. A long-time member of the Liberal Party,shewas disendorsed as a Liberal candidate ahead of the next Tasmanian election due in 2022.

“What has changed? The Premier telling her on Sunday she was no longer wanted by the Liberal Party,” Senator Abetz said.

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Angus Livingston is The Age's deputy news director.

Nick Bonyhady is a technology writer for the Australian Financial Review,based in Sydney. He is a former technology editor,industrial relations and politics reporter at the Sydney Morning Herald and Age.

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