Telcos look for national action on blocking dangerous sites after Christchurch

Telecommunications companies are hoping a summit with the Morrison government and social media giants next week will lead to a new national approach to blocking websites and responding digitally to crises like the Christchurch terrorist attack.

The telcos earlier this week individually decided to temporarily stop their users from having access to sites hosting the graphic video of the New Zealand massacre,however executives at the internet service providers were concerned about"censoring"the internet,balancing community concerns about unacceptable content and the number of staff required to handle such a task.

The alleged Christchurch shooter in court on Saturday morning.

The alleged Christchurch shooter in court on Saturday

Dozens of websites have been blocked this week in an effort to stop the footage being shared,including 4chan,gun,,,,, These sites are being unblocked when the video is removed.

Telcos typically do not have staff moderating content or websites and usually block websites only when provided a court order or given instructions by government agencies. Mass blocking of websites by internet providers to stop the sharing of a piece of content is highly unusual.

While telcos were yet to be shared an agenda or detailed information about the plan for the Tuesday roundtable,multiple businesses said they hoped it would bring clarity about the government's expectations about how they would react to any terrorist material being shared widely in future.

The official invitation to companies said representatives will be asked about their practices and"will then work collectively to identify what can be done to prevent the streaming and reposting of extremist material,both now and into the future".

Communications Minister Mitch Fifield said the meeting would canvass lessons learnt from the mass shooting and further action from industry and government. The meeting includes the major telcos and digital platforms like Facebook,Google and Twitter.

"The actions by Telstra,Optus and Vodafone to block access to sites hosting video footage of the events that took place in Christchurch last week demonstrates that as well as formal enforcement there is an important role for ethical and fast responses from[Internet Service Providers] and platforms,"Senator Fifield said.

Government agencies can direct internet providers to block access to overseas-hosted sites and force Australian sites to remove offending material,including content related to terrorism,drug and child sex abuse.

Telco industry body Communications Alliance chief executive John Stanton said the larger internet providers had taken the decision to"voluntarily implement temporary blocks of websites that continue to host footage of the Christchurch terrorist attack video"and were not directed by any formal authority.

"These[providers] have sought to balance community expectations to remove access to the video with the need to minimise any inconvenience that may arise from legitimate content being blocked as an unavoidable,temporary consequence,"he said.

A Vodafone spokeswoman said the business had started blocking sites"because we believe it’s the right thing to do in these particular and unique circumstances,out of respect to the victims of this atrocity and their loved ones,to help stop the further sharing of this disturbing video".

Optus vice-president regulatory and public affairs Andrew Sheridan said some domains were removing offensive content.

"We are actively monitoring the situation and altering the list of sites which are blocked,"he said.

The government's eSafety commissioner,Julie Inman Grant,said the companies'decisions were responsible and may have helped stopped the spread of the video.

She said all the complaints that her office had received about the content were not about major platforms like Facebook,YouTube and Twitter.

"They are on the 8chans and 4chans and Kiwi Farms of the world. They are on these sites that are set up to spread hear and fate and gore,"Ms Inman Grant said.

But she said blocking was imperfect as a long-term solution because these sites could remain accessible to users with Virtual Private Networks and other techniques.

"It’s putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound,"she said,calling for better global co-operation to clamp down on offending sites.

Jennifer Duke was an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

Fergus Hunter is a crime reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. He previously reported on federal politics,education and communications at Parliament House in Canberra.

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