What the federal budget means for you

Fuel excise slashed in half,tax rebates for low and middle income earners and a $250 direct payment to pensioners,welfare recipients and veterans. The Morrison government is spending $8.25 billion to help people deal with the rising cost of living in a budget delivered days before an election is called.

Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg in the budget lock-up on Tuesday.

Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg in the budget lock-up on Tuesday.James Brickwood

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg told Parliament tonight that events abroad were raising prices at home and said his suite of measures to help households was “temporary,targeted and responsible”.

He argues Australia has recovered from the pandemic better than any other nation,pointing to 4 per cent unemployment,the lowest in 48 years,and a predicted $100 billion improvement in the budget position compared to last year.

But other figures in his fourth budget are less rosy. The deficit for 2022-2023 will be $78 billion,the fourth biggest on record. Gross debt will rise to $1.2 trillion by 2024-25,while net debt will reach 33.1 per cent as a share of the economy by June 2026.

Senior economics correspondent Shane Wright says Scott Morrison and Mr Frydenberg have taken voter shopping to new heights in this budget.Read his take here.

Whileeconomics editor Ross Gittins saysthe help now comes with a tax sting later.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg visits the offices of The Sydney Morning Herald during the 2022 budget lock-up.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg visits the offices of The Sydney Morning Herald during the 2022 budget lock-up.James Brickwood

Like many things in a pandemic-affected world,the traditional budget lock-up has changed. Before COVID-19,a large array of editors,reporters,producers and tech gurus would come to Canberra. Now it’s a smaller group in Parliament House and a larger team of writers and producers working remotely. In Canberra,Mr Frydenberg visits the offices ofThe Sydney Morning Herald,taking questions on his budget from our senior writers,before heading to his press conference. Our experts crunch the numbers with incredible skill,getting across the details and finding the stories buried deep within the budget papers. And at 7.30pm,as the Treasurer gets to his feet in Parliament to deliver his speech,we publish their stories,videos,graphics and analysis.

For a comprehensive view of news,I recommendchief political correspondent David Crowe’sfront page wrap.

If you’re short on time,I’d suggestJames Massola’sfive-minute budgetandlist of ‘winners and losers’.

Senior economics writer Jessica Irvine says the bottom line is this:it’s time to ask your boss for a pay rise.

Andnational correspondent Matthew Knott reports on one of the biggest spending measures,a $10 billion outlay on cyber warfare cryptically namedProject REDSPICE.

In other budget news from the federal politics team:

And for the best political analysis,you can’t go pastPeter Hartcher and David Crowe.

Peter describes it as a“Tinkerbell budget” and urges you to clap if you believe that “a sudden outpouring of $8.6 billion in one-off handouts has absolutely nothing to do with the imminent federal election,due by May 21″.

WhileDavid points to the single number that “tells Australians just how desperate Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg have become in their quest to beat Anthony Albanese”.

If you’re looking for something lighter,it wouldn’t be a budget withoutTony Wright’s sketch,where (with tongue firmly planted in cheek) he explains Josh Frydenberg’s latest strategy:“SeatKeeper”.

The Sydney Morning Herald’sview of the budget was that it was probably affordable in the short term but raised questions about whether the Treasurer had the ticker for tough decisions in future.

Follow all the news and reaction tonight withLatika Bourke on our live blog. And tomorrow morning hear from David Crowe and Shane Wright in a special episode of our podcast,Please Explain,where they’ll unpack the budget. It’ll be worth a listen.

Finally,with the election campaign about to start,I encourage you to sign up to our election newsletter,Australia Votes 2022,whereJacqueline Maley cuts through the noise with the best news,opinion and expert analysis.

Thank you for joining us on budget night.

David King is National Editor,The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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