When a hurled egg caused a PM to go for his gun

The odious Fraser Anning and his even more odious band of thugs may have taken violent umbrage at the actions of theyoung man forever to be known as"eggboy",but Anning isn’t in the same class for high dudgeon at the historical art of egging as the former Australian prime minister Billy Hughes.

We may not have had an Australian Federal Police service if Hughes had not been egged.

Hughes,trying to foment support for his vain wish to conscript Australian men for World War 1,went to the Queensland town of Warwick in November 1917,intending to give one of his incendiary speeches.

Former prime minister Billy Hughes.

Former prime minister Billy Hughes.

At the Warwick Railway Station,he found himself amid a restive crowd that was nowhere near as impressed by his importance as he was.

Two brothers of wild Irish extraction,Patrick and Bartie Brosnan,had armed themselves for the occasion with pocketfuls of eggs. The police had earlier ordered Patrick Brosnan to disarm,and he’d dropped three eggs.

WHO THREW THAT EGG? An anti-Billy Hughes cartoon,published in 1917.

WHO THREW THAT EGG? An anti-Billy Hughes cartoon,published in 1917.Supplied

Alas for Hughes,the Brosnans had more supplies.

Both let fly,and one of the eggs knocked the hat off Hughes.

Furious,the prime minister tore at his jacket,seeking the revolver he usually carried.

The lord only knows what damage the PM could have wrought on the jeering crowd.

Fortunately for all,he’d left his weapon in his railway carriage,and deprived of the ability to resort to gunfire,he screamed at a nearby policeman,a Senior Sergeant Kenny,that he must arrest the Brosnans for breaches of the Commonwealth law.

Senior Sergeant Kenny,at least in legend,responded"you have no jurisdiction",and the main perpetrator,Patrick Brosnan,slipped away.

In a press conference,Senator Fraser Anning said the teen who threw an egg at him deserved to be slapped.

This drove Hughes to new levels of fury.

In the absence of his gun,he shot off a telegram to the commissioner of the Queensland Police,demanding action against Senior Sergeant Kenny,alleging,among other things,that"acting under Senior Sergeant Kenny’s directions,the police refused to arrest two ringleaders".

The subsequent inquiry led the Queensland commissioner of police,a Mr F.C. Urquhart,to write an official report that is a classic of its kind,officially"tut-tutting"about Senior Sergeant Kenny,but exonerating him of all the prime minister’s charges,declaring that"his intentions were good".

More illuminating was the commissioner’s observation that egg-throwing was going on just about everywhere.

"The hurling of missiles at public speakers is,of course,illegal,and most deplorable,"wrote the commissioner,and you could almost hear him guffawing.

Senator Fraser Anning reacts to being egged from behind during a media conference.

Senator Fraser Anning reacts to being egged from behind during a media conference.Courtesy of Nine News

"But it is a very prevalent practice,and seems to be more or less accepted as one of the semi-humorous non-combatants of public oratory.

"The missiles vary in their nature - at one time potatoes or small bags of flour,while just now eggs seem to be in favour,and I observe from the press that egg-throwing incidents have occurred at places so far apart as Cairns and Murwillumbah,while I have also been informed that in Toowoomba last Friday evening eggs were thrown at Mrs Huxham,wife of the home secretary,while addressing a meeting there,and that some of her supporters in close proximity to her were struck by them."

Drawing a breath,the commissioner noted dryly:"No sensation seems to have been caused by the incident,nor has any leading article appeared in any journal condemning the police in connection with it."

He might as well have told Hughes he was a jumped-up fool,and to go and take a jump.

Instead,Hughes ordered the formation of a new police service to enforce Commonwealth laws. Today,that is the Australian Federal Police.

With egging capturing new headlines this century later,thanks to"eggboy"and Fraser Anning (dare we call him Egghead?),you’d very nearly wish for the return of Senior-Sergeant Kenny and his stalwart commissioner,who knew a joke when they saw it.

Tony Wright is the associate editor and special writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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