Workplace deaths in Victoria almost double under new tally

Workplace deaths in Victoria could trigger fines up to $16.5 million and jail terms stretching to 25 years for negligent bosses under new industrial manslaughter laws that come into effect on Wednesday.

And in a further expansion of the state's workplace laws,the Andrews government will expand the definition of a workplace death to capture people who suicide because of workplace bullying,deaths on the road while working and industrial illnesses like silicosis.

Employers responsible for the worst breaches of work health and safety laws face being hit with jail terms under workplace manslaughter laws.

Employers responsible for the worst breaches of work health and safety laws face being hit with jail terms under workplace manslaughter laws.Dominic Lorrimer

Those changes will almost double the official workplace death toll in the state from 25 to 41 this year. The move comes as state and federal governments halve the amount of silica dust workers can be exposed to as part of measures designed to stop tradespeople dying from silicosis after inhaling the harmful particles,which are commonly contained in some benchtops.

"Employers need to understand that if their negligence costs someone their life,they will be prosecuted and may go to jail,"said Attorney-General Jill Hennessy.

The Victorian government unveiled the laws in October last year and passed them over opposition from industry groups,who argued they would disproportionately hurt small businesses,but they will come into effect on Wednesday.

The Master Builders Association of Victoria has written to the government to express its concerns about the manslaughter laws,arguing it will put extra demands on businesses already grappling with the coronavirus.

Employers,including company directors,who fail to take reasonable steps to fix very dangerous situations for their employees that then kill someone,will face the new penalties.

Samantha Burns,whosebrother Shaun Burns died when a crane dropped a tub of concrete on him as he worked at a construction site in Melbourne in 2018,said being consulted over the new laws was the only constructive thing to come out of her brother's death.

"It was horrific,"Ms Burns said,adding she hoped the new laws would be coupled with stepped-up enforcement from the regulator and force employers to make work sites safer.

WorkSafe is pursuing the crane company and builder through the courts,but Ms Burns said she felt any fines that would result would be"relatively small"under the current regime. Michael Clark,director of the crane company Clark Cranes,said his firm was working with the regulator and sent his"deepest condolences"to Mr Burns'family.

"Clark Cranes welcomes all measures adopted to strengthen workplace safety laws,"Mr Clark said.

WorkSafe Victoria chief executive Colin Radford said he hoped the new laws would act as a deterrent to companies tempted to cut corners on safety.

"The threat of jail for individuals,or a hefty fine for organisations,should stop those who think it’s OK to put other priorities above the health and safety of their workers in their tracks,"Mr Radford said.

Victoria's move comes as the states and territories put in place a stricter standard for silica dust,which can be released when manufactured stone benchtops are cut to size and can cause a deadly and painful lung disease.

Cases of silicosis have been rising in recent years,prompting the crackdown,although Victoria has already recommended a more stringent standard.

"The Government strongly supports these new standards,which will significantly reduce the incidence of silicosis and help to keep Australian workers,their families and the community safe,” federal Attorney-General Christian Porter said.

Nick Bonyhady is a technology writer for the Australian Financial Review,based in Sydney. He is a former technology editor,industrial relations and politics reporter at the Sydney Morning Herald and Age.

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