'Wouldn't worry me in slightest':Fraser Anning unfazed about whether he's re-elected

Heavy criticism was levelled at Queensland senator Fraser Anning from his parliamentary colleagues for supporting of a far-right rally in St Kilda yesterday.

Independent Queensland senator Fraser Anning says he doesn't care if he loses his seat in the next federal election after coming under intense scrutiny for attending a far-right rally in Melbourne.

Senator Anning is charging taxpayers close to $3000 for his return flights and Comcar to attend the St Kilda Beach rally,which was organised by convicted far-right extremists Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson and attended by about 100 of their supporters.

Fraser Anning and United Patriots Front leader Blair Cottrell at the event.

Fraser Anning and United Patriots Front leader Blair Cottrell at the event.AFR

The Queensland senator insists he was representing his local constituents on the interstate trip as his state is experiencing violence from alleged African gangs.

But his decision to attend the rally has been widely criticised by all sides of politics.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Labor deputy leader Tanya Plibersek have both publicly denounced his attendance at the rally,calling on voters to use their power at the looming federal election to oust Senator Anning.

But Senator Anning told ABC Radio National on Monday morning he was unfazed by the prospect of not being re-elected.

"That wouldn't worry me in slightest I can tell you now,"he told ABC.

He also conceded he was unlikely to win a seat again after only securing 19 first preference votes in the last federal election.

Senator Anning also moved to attack Ms Palaszczuk and Ms Plibersek calling them"two of the greatest lefties in country."

"I couldn't care less what they think,"he told ABC.

Far-right activists in St Kilda on Saturday.

Far-right activists in St Kilda on Saturday.Darrian Traynor

The controversial senator,who last year used the Nazi-associated term “final solution” in his maiden speech in parliament,said the rally was attended by “ordinary working people” rather than skinheads and extremists.

He said he spoke to “a diverse range of people” including Vietnamese shopkeepers who had been affected by gangs.

“I didn’t see any people there who appeared to be radicals. There were no skinheads,just ordinary,hard-working people who’d had enough,"Senator Anning said.

Despite Mr Cottrell’s involvement and the publication of images showing activists making Nazi salutes - in one case holding a helmet with Nazi insignia - Senator Anning denied it was a far-right event.

He insisted that by attending he was not endorsing other speakers or participants and insisted the Nazi salutes were being performed only by “far left extremists”,despite pictures clearly showing otherwise.

“The only people who were doing Nazi salutes were the far-left extremists one hundred metres away who came to try to disrupt a peaceful rally,"he said.

Hundreds of police occupied the St Kilda foreshore to maintain the peace as close to100 far-right activists clashed with 200 anti-racism protesters throughout the afternoon on Saturday.

Meanwhile,former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has also deplored Senator Anning's attendance at the rally.

"Something like that should have no place in any decent and civilised society,"Mr Abbott told Sydney radio station 2GB on Monday morning.

"I think it was pretty poor judgement for the Senator to go to Victoria on the taxpayer for something like this. We’re all against soft-touch policing,we’re all against kid-glove policing,but that doesn’t mean that we should be supporting extremists,of the left or the right.”

Acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack said Senator Anning should consider his position in Parliament.

“Nazi salutes are abhorrent and repugnant and have no place in Australian society,” he said.

“This type of extremism and the politics of hate should not be tolerated in modern society and such radicalism should be called out for what it is."

Prime Minister Scott Morrison dubbed the demonstration as an"ugly racial protest".

Three arrests were made in relation to the event on Saturday including one in relation to possessing a dangerous article,one for drugs and one for bail-related offences.

No charges have been laid yet.

With David Wroe

Melissa Cunningham is a city reporter for The Age. She has previously covered health and has also been a reporter for The Sunday Age.

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