'Damning,disappointing':Debacle in state's water sharing plans

Management of the state's river systems has almost certainly failed because there has been no monitoring of how much water was available and how much was removed,according to damning new audits handed to the Berejiklian government this month.

There was"limited evidence of targeted monitoring and no evidence of reporting of performance indicators,"documents prepared for the Department of Planning,Industry and Environment show.

Perch are among the fish to have been killed in the Murrumbidgee fish kill.

Perch are among the fish to have been killed in the Murrumbidgee fish kill.Graeme McCrabb

"The audit team did not find any evidence that levels of extraction had been compared ... with the[annual water extraction limits],"one audit,covering the Barwon-Darling river system,concludes.

The impact of a severe drought,a string of water theft allegations and the death of millions of fish last year raised significant concerns about how rivers were being managed. The Natural Resources Commission last September described parts of the Barwon-Darling,which runs through Menindee,as an"ecosystem in crisis".

The audits,conducted by private consultancy Alluvium and obtained by theHerald,cover 25 river management plans — known as water sharing plans — which are meant to set decade-long terms on how water is divided between towns and irrigators and what remains for environmental use.

The audits,which cover almost half of the state's 58 water sharing plans,show serious mismanagement characterised by a lack of resources,blame-shifting between agencies,and a lack of monitoring on how much water remained in the rivers and what was being used.

The Barwon-Darling audit concludes there is a"very high"risk that the"objectives"of the water sharing plan will not be met. An appendix clarifies this rating means the"risk will occur".

"The audit team found no evidence of finalised plans or processes in place to monitor the performance indicators in the WSP for the Barwon Darling Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2012 during the period covered by audit,"the document reads.

Richard Kingsford,the director of UNSW's Centre for Ecosystem Science,described the audit results as"really damning and also very disappointing"."One would have hoped to have been better served by a planning instrument which was considerably more effective,"Professor Kingsford said.

"Plans are meant to be in place for the highs and lows of water availability,but there is no adequate assessment of how much water is in the system and how much water is being taken from the system. If we don’t have those basic metrics then you can’t chart whether you are doing a good job."

These issues were also repeated in audits of the Peel River,which covers Tamworth,the Murrumbidgee,which covers Wagga Wagga and Hay,and several other catchment areas.

Auditors reported,after conducting interviews,that agencies including the department responsible for the plans found"performance indicators hard to monitor and report on,"that"funding and resourcing[had] not always been available"and"agency roles and responsibilities for collecting and reporting on performance indicators have not always been clear".

But Willem Vervoort,who researches catchment management at Sydney University,said monitoring,auditing and implementing water sharing plans"are a wicked problem".

"We simply do not yet have the capacity to accurately monitor all the important water flows due to the huge surface area of NSW and due to the high variability of the flow,"Dr Vervoort said.

"And we have not resolved the socio-economic consequences of changing the access to water.

"There is no consistent associated plan how this will affect rural employment,rural opportunities,rural health and mental health,all related to population,distance and rural economics."

TheHerald in September revealed Water Minister Melinda Pavey had turned to Alluvium to complete the audits after major delays by the department in concluding the work. Five of the 25 late audits were more than five years late — they should have been completed in 2015.

Ms Pavey,who was appointed to the portfolio last year,told theHerald the government was"working through the legacy issues that have been identified in these reports". All compliance activity has now been transferred to a new agency known as the Natural Resources Access Regulator.

The plans under audit are a part of how the state manages its Murray Darling Basin commitments.

According to their reports,the audit team"was advised that the data reported to the[Murray Darling Basin Authority],including the Murrumbidgee unregulated river sources,is derived from ... assessments of unregulated river water users conducted for the period 1993-1999".

"The audit team was advised that no documented risk assessment is available and that the assessments of Murrumbidgee unregulated river water use have not been conducted again since the assessment of the 1993-1999 period,"the audit documents note.

Read the audithere

Kylar Loussikian is the Financial Review's Deputy editor - Business

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