Growing push for Sydney's second medically supervised injecting room

The Berejiklian government is facing a growing push to set up a safe injecting room in western Sydney as data on overdose deaths show the opioid crisis has spread to the outer suburbs.

Criminologists are the latest to call for a second injecting room after a recommendation from Deputy State Coroner Harriet Grahame,who said politics should not stop"sound health policy".

Lawyers assisting the government's special commission of inquiry into ice also called for the expansion ofmedically supervised drug consumption rooms in their closing submissions.

In new research,University of NSW criminology academic George Dertadian said data clearly showed that Sydney needed an additional injecting centre,probably located in Liverpool.

Ms Graham has also identified Liverpool as a suitable location for a centre after her inquiry late last year into thedeath of Amaru Bestrin,25,who overdosed on heroin in a hospital toilet.

The inquest heard heroin is used heavily in the Liverpool area. There are about 3120 people in the South Western Sydney Local Health District on an opioid treatment program,which represents about 14 per cent of people in treatment across NSW.

There is a growing push for a safe injecting room in western Sydney.

There is a growing push for a safe injecting room in western Sydney.Darrian Traynor

Dr Dertadian analysed the most recent data from the National Coronial Information System of overdose deaths across Sydney between 2006 and 2015. He found that while the highest number of overdose deaths still occurred in Kings Cross,the problem was significant in the outer suburbs.

"Outside of the Sydney local government area (LGA),where the current injecting centre is located,the next seven top-ranked LGAs for overdose deaths are all areas of western and south-western Sydney,"Dr Dertadian said. "This shows that there is a need for another facility,not a replacement or relocation of the current injecting centre."

Dr Dertadian's research was published in a journal article co-authored with Western Sydney University professor of Criminology Stephen Tomsen.

The academics found that opioids were consistently the highest of all identifiable drug types detected in fatal cases of drug toxicity in Sydney,almost doubling between 2006 and 2015.

More than 70 per cent of these deaths were unintentional overdoses and occurred most often
at home. None of the deaths occurred in the safe injecting centre in Kings Cross.

The researchers said that the best available estimates indicated that there are just as many or more people who inject drugs in western Sydney as in the inner city,but they have less access to
a safe injecting facility to manage potential overdose.

Dr Dertadian said there had been been"mixed support"for an injecting centre from Liverpool residents but"determined opposition"from local business owners and local politicians.

"They all raised concerns about the supposed likelihood of increased crime and an erosion of
public safety that would follow the establishment of an safe injecting facility in Liverpool,"Dr Dertadian said. "But these claims are not supported by decades of research at injecting facilities in Sydney,and other parts of the world such as Canada,France,Denmark,Germany,Luxembourg,The Netherlands,Norway,Spain and Switzerland."

Health Minister Brad Hazzard was contacted for comment but is on personal leave. The government is considering the ice inquiry report and says it will respond shortly.

Alexandra Smith is the State Political Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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