Inept,stupid or corrupt - which gets your vote for a cabinet minister?

State Political Editor

“I’m not sure what I’ve signed,to be honest with you.” It was an extraordinary claim from Drummoyne MP John Sidoti,a veteran political operative who had a longstanding role as chairman of NSW Parliament’s powerful privileges and ethics committee.

Sidoti,who has risen through the ranks from mayor of Burwood to member for Drummoyne,parliamentary secretary and finally a minister in Gladys Berejiklian’s cabinet,told the corruption watchdog – under oath – that he does not read documents before signing them.

NSW MP John Sidoti leaving ICAC on Tuesday.

NSW MP John Sidoti leaving ICAC on Tuesday.Dominic Lorrimer

For ambitious Liberal MPs waiting patiently for a cabinet spot,not to mention voters who elected him to Parliament,Sidoti’s claims of ignorance – which at best amount to incompetence and at worst stupidity – would be infuriating.

Sidoti is being investigated as to whether he misused his position to improperly influence Liberal councillors between 2011,when he was elected to Parliament in the Coalition’s landslide win,and 2018. The Independent Commission Against Corruption is also examining whether Sidoti breached public trust by failing to disclose his pecuniary interests.

Sidoti has always maintained his innocence (even threatening legal action against Berejiklian’s media director,Sean Berry,for his reporting of the accusations when he was a Seven journalist) and has vowed to clear his name through the ICAC process.

In his first day of evidence on Tuesday,Sidoti told the commission he was simply a dutiful son who worked long hours and willingly signed documents for his parents.

“I just thought I was signing tax papers ... I’m not sure what I signed,” he said. “Prior to entering parliament,I was employed by my parents. I signed as a son and employee.”

The wealthy businessman,who helped run his family’s successful function centre,said he did not know what a trustee or beneficiary was until Labor raised it in Parliament. Sidoti told the commission:“Come 2017,I’d already been in Parliament for six years,and question time ... came up ... and Luke Foley,the then leader of the opposition,was waving a document around so he obviously – because all our disclosures are public – he got all the disclosures in that period.”

It was only then,Sidoti says,that it dawned on him that he should check that his affairs were in order and he asked his accountant to contact the Department of Premier and Cabinet about making appropriate disclosures.

Sidoti’s evidence raises the very serious question of what voters would view as the bigger evil in politics:being inept or corrupt. He is now on the crossbench,and last month he agreed to “remove himself from the Liberal Party room” while the corruption hearing is under way. He was sidelined from cabinet when ICAC began preliminary investigations in September 2019.

However,before that he was sports minister and veterans affairs minister,positions which delivered him a $300,000 salary. He was responsible for departments with combined annual budgets totalling hundreds of millions of dollars.

While he may not have known what he was signing when it came to his family’s business interests,Sidoti told the commission,“All my parliamentary documents,my disclosures,all those were read very thoroughly,because they were associated to my wife and I.”

Counsel assisting the commission Rob Ranken asked Sidoti about documents he signed at the time he was on Burwood Council in 2008. “How old were you?” Ranken asked. Sidoti said he was 38. Ranken:“So you were signing documents well into your late 30s,without turning your mind to the capacity in which you were signing?” Sidoti’s response? “Yes.”

Some of Sidoti’s Liberal colleagues,including those in cabinet,have long questioned how he managed to leapfrog others into a spot in Berejiklian’s ministry after her win in 2019. The answer,it would seem,is quotas,the very mechanism Liberals tear themselves apart over when it comes to women. But quotas are are alive and well when it comes to Liberal political factions and their bearing on cabinet spots,which are divvied up between the moderates,the right and centre-right.

One thing is clear. The Sidoti saga should serve as a warning that factional quotas pose a bigger risk to the Liberal Party than those based on gender.

Alexandra Smith is state political editor.

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Alexandra Smith is the State Political Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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