‘It’s too crowded:’ Liberal powerbroker’s phone call to candidate before preselection

A City of Canada Bay councillor has told a corruption inquiry he was asked by Liberal powerbroker Joe Tannous to withdraw from two positions on a council preselection ticket because it was “too crowded.”

Nicholas Yap said he received a call from Mr Tannous three days before a council preselection event,asking him to withdraw from the number one and two spots. Mr Yap had nominated positions one to four.

“What I do recall is him saying words to the effect of,‘it’s too crowded on the ticket,’” he said.

“I told him that I would do that promptly. And I recall he asked me to let him know when I completed that.”

Drummoyne MP John Sidoti leaving ICAC last week.

Drummoyne MP John Sidoti leaving ICAC last week.Wolter Peeters

Mr Tannous has been linked to analleged scheme to remove sitting local councillors,in claims made to the corruption inquiry into Drummoyne MP John Sidoti.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption is examining if the state MP misused his position to improperly influence Liberal councillors from 2011-2018.

It has largely focused on Mr Sidoti’s lobbying to rezone several blocks in Five Dock where his family owned property,despite council experts finding it was not in the public interest.

The commission has previously heard allegations Mr Sidoti and Mr Tannous ran an alternative ticket in a 2017 council preselection as “retribution” for Liberal councillorsfor not favouring the Sidoti agenda.

It is alleged former councillors Mirjana Cestar and Helen McCaffrey lost their billing on a preselection ticket to Stephanie Di Pasqua,who worked in Mr Sidoti’s electorate office,and local businessman Mr Yap.

Liberal party-aligned lobbyist Joe Tannous.

Liberal party-aligned lobbyist Joe Tannous.Cornerstone Group

Mr Yap on Friday said Mr Tannous did not occupy any official position in the executive of the Liberal Party,but he knew him as a powerbroker who is able to lobby preselectors.

He said Mr Tannous did not offer him anything alongside his request to move himself out of positions one and two on the ticket. Mr Yap added that he did not ask why Mr Tannous had asked him to remove himself because the powerbroker was “more experienced in that area of how preselections work.”

Mr Yap also gave evidence of one of his most recent conversations with Mr Sidoti around February this year at a park in Russell Lea,where Mr Sidoti told him that members of the Liberal Party’s Concord West branch were unhappy with him.

He said he believed it was linked to the perception that Mr Sidoti had some involvement in Ms McCaffrey not being higher on the ticket at the preselection process more than four years ago.

Mr Tannous was Mr Sidoti’s campaign manager when he ran for state government in 2011. He is the founder and executive director of Cornerstone Group,a “bi-partisan consultancy firm specialising in government relations.”

He is not a member of any branch of the Liberal Party within the City of Canada Bay.

The commission also heard evidence from town planners for Mr Sidoti in September 2016,James Matthews and Matt Daniel of Pacific Planning Pty Ltd.

Mr Daniel earlier this week was reprimanded by Commissioner Peter Hall,QC,when he failed to sufficiently answer questions,including why advice from his firm was sent only to Liberal councillors.

Commissioner Hall said he would take one answer “as a deliberate obstruction of this commission.”

On Friday Mr Daniel told the commission he had been “flustered” and “probability a little bit stressed” on Thursday and did not understand some questions.

“I was confused and I was trying to be very,very straightforward as best as I possibly could. But then,doing that with a level of context as to why I was making that statement.”

Mr Sidoti is expected to give evidence next week,as well as his wife and his sister. Mr Tannous is also scheduled to appear as a witness.

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Lucy Cormack is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in Dubai.

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