'Let's not go to war':Ice-ravaged Lismore says drug addiction a health issue

Politicians and the public need to stop labelling meth users as drug addicts and recognise users have a medical condition if they want to effectively handle the ice crisis,an inquiry will be told this week.

The special commission of inquiry into crystal methamphetamine will travel to the Northern Rivers city of Lismore this week to hear from frontline police,paramedics and health workers about the devastating impact of the drug.

Crystal Methamphetamine,also known as ice.

Crystal Methamphetamine,also known as ice.Courtesy Thorpe

Lismore councillor Eddie Lloyd will present the social justice and crime prevention committee’s new report,which says meth addiction is a health issue,specifically a"substance use disorder",and should be treated as such.

"The stigma is a significant barrier and one that is further entrenched by inflammatory and loaded labels given to individuals experiencing the disorder,such as'ice addicts','drug addicts'and'junkies',"the report says.

"The committee urges all politicians and members of the public to refer to the condition by its diagnostic name substance use disorder[which] will help to reframe the condition back into the health paradigm and out of the criminal paradigm."

The inquiry will move across regional NSW,where people are 2.5 times more likely to use meth or amphetamines than those in major cities.

In Lismore,about 130 per 100,000 people had been charged with a meth possession offence last year,compared to the state average of 92.

Cr Lloyd will draw from the council's report - which is expected to be endorsed by the Lismore council in June - as she gives evidence this week.

"People who experience problematic substance use disorder have backgrounds of trauma and or deprivation and social disadvantage,"Cr Lloyd,also a trial advocate for the Aboriginal Legal Service,said.

"Let’s not go to war with these people. The war on drugs has truly been lost and a therapeutic health and social focused approach is required to truly address the issues."

The report calls for a local drug court,a Koori court for Indigenous people,and culturally and gender appropriate residential rehab services for Indigenous women and children.

Lismore City Councillor Eddie Lloyd.

Lismore City Councillor Eddie Lloyd.Lismore City Council

In the report,a recovered user named Jordan,said when he traced his history of drug use it was like watching a"tragic movie".

"I learned I had a serious health condition and I wasn’t a bad person trying to be good,rather I was a sick person trying to get well,"he said.

"I was torn with the idea I had a legitimate health issue ... Today I’m very thankful to be nine years sober and know personally that substance use disorder is a deadly and tragic disease."

Australian Medical Association NSW president Kean-Seng Lim said substance use disorder was a health condition and patients shouldn't be treated differently to others.

"It's a chronic brain disease that involves the compulsive or uncontrolled use of one or more substances and that has the potential for relapse as well as recovery,"he said.

The inquiry last week heard the possession of amphetamine hadjumped by 250 per cent in the past decade,increased meth use haddriven up domestic violence rates,and meth was"the drug of choice"for teen drug users.

The inquiry,commissioned by the Berejiklian government,will also travel to Nowra,Dubbo,East Maitland and Broken Hill before delivering its findings to the NSW Governor in October.

Esther Han is the Digital Engagement Editor at the Australian Financial Review.

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