'Number one drug':ice use surges among traumatised teens

Ice has become the drug of choice among young people over the past five years,according to the state's only provider of drug and alcohol rehab beds specifically for teenagers in NSW.

At the fourth day of the special commission of inquiry into ice,the Ted Noffs Foundation’s chief operating officer Mark Ferry said ice had been the"number one"drug since 2014 among its recovering users,who include a 14-year-old girl.

Pipe of crystal meth.

Pipe of crystal meth.Shannon Morris

"In 2017-18 we had eight young people out of 250 identify opioids and they described it as an'old man’s drug',so it’s not in the mix,"Mr Ferry said.

"Cannabis has always been there,and alcohol has always been there,but they don’t see alcohol as an issue,even if their use is extremely high."

The inquiry,led by commissioner Dan Howard,heard from drug rehabilitation service providers on Friday in an effort to find more effective ways to combat the scourge of methamphetamine and similar drugs.

Mr Ferry said young people,many of whom have suffered horrific childhood trauma,described their first ice experience as"wonderful"and that the situation accelerated quickly.

Asked whether the average five-year period from"first use to problematic use"applied to teenagers,he said this was unlikely.

"We’ve got a 14-year-old girl at the moment who’s with us for ice use and she's at the chronic end,"he said.

"[The average time period] would mean she started at nine,but I would say the time period was a lot shorter,she wants nothing more than to stop using ice."

The base form of methamphetamines.

The base form of methamphetamines.NSW Police

The foundation’s CEO Matt Noffs said 80 per cent of program participants have mental health issues,and the public had to recognise drug use was not simply a"bad choice"but intrinsically linked to poverty and traumatic upbringing.

He said mental health services had done well to reduce stigma,but in the field of drug and alcohol addiction there was a long way to go.

"To talk about mental health is too general,to come down to trauma,again we’re getting closer,but it’s probably worth looking at that comorbidity in understanding the complex mix there,"he said.

Mr Noffs spoke of users who had been tortured,molested by their parents and sold to sex workers.

"It's not a mild form of mental health that many of us will experience ... this is something most of us will never see in our own mental health,"he said.

He said on average clients used 2.8 drugs,with some using as many as"five,six or seven".

Mr Noffs also brought up pill testing,saying the debate had made the broader public more compassionate and understanding of young people with drug problems.

"The story of pill testing is helping people say'This is all of us - all of us go through issues in our life',"he said.

The inquiry has heard the possession of amphetamine had jumped by 250 per cent in the past decade,health workers were failing to recognise the relationship between mental health and drug use,and increased meth use had driven up domestic violence rates.

The inquiry,commissioned by the Berejiklian government last year,will travel to Lismore next week and deliver its findings to the NSW Governor by October 28.

Esther Han is the Digital Engagement Editor at the Australian Financial Review.

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