The ethical foundations of liberal democratic politics are eroding in Australia

Every rape,every sexual assault,every act of harassment or bullying is abhorrent. It does not matter where these wrongs occur. It does not matter who is involved. There are no allowances or exceptions. Although neither equal in degree nor effect,each offence violates a fundamental principle,most closely associated with the 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant,namely that of “respect for persons”.

The seat of Australian democracy ... no code of conduct needed.

The seat of Australian democracy ... no code of conduct needed.Alex Ellinghausen

This principle recognises every person as possessing intrinsic dignity – irrespective of age,gender,culture,sexual orientation or any other marker of difference. It establishes our basic equality and forbids us ever to use another person merely as a means to an end. Thus,the prohibition against slavery,torture,genocide and all the great evils of which people are capable.

The NSW Division of the Liberal Party has recognised this in its inaugural mandatory code of conduct and ethics,which requires members to “treat others with dignity,courtesy and respect”.

What,then,are we to make of the fact that,in response to recommendations to update the members’ code of conduct and appoint a compliance officer,the leaders of the houses in the NSW Parliament have explicitly rejected just such an ideal – specifically jettisoning a proposal that members of Parliament be obliged to treat others with dignity,courtesy and respect?

This is what have they put forward instead:that people be treated “in a manner compatible with a safe workplace,free from harassment”.

That is about as low as the bar can go. One can be safe without being respected. One can be free from harassment without being treated with dignity. Safety should not be an end in itself. It should be a by-product of a deeper set of commitments that condition relationships as a whole. What’s worse,the ethically rich language that the leaders rejected is based on the code of conduct adopted by the British House of Commons – the “mother of parliaments”. If nothing else,this shows that the higher standard can be applied,in practice,within the arena of democratic politics.

Now,you might be wondering why this matters enough to be aired here. In particular,why bring this matter to light today? I do so because I think it reveals something of the mindset that lies behind the events revealed by Brittany Higgins and other survivors of abuse in politics.

The details of Higgins’ experience remain unknown. Some of what occurred can be put down to the heinous way in which some men treat women. However,I suspect the whole of the story is far more complex and the proposed independent review of the culture of Parliament House will identify causes and effects that go far beyond issues of power and gender.

At the deepest level,I think it will be found that there has been an erosion of the ethical foundations of liberal democratic politics in Australia. They cross state and territory borders. They have weakened the ethical infrastructure on which citizens depend for integrity in politics. The evidence of what has been lost or broken can be seen in the bare legalism of the words,“a safe workplace,free from harassment”.

MPs are all too ready to define the terms of our civic life and impose obligations on society. They do so with the intention that we,the people,should be held to strict account. However,when it comes to their conduct,our legislators routinely let themselves off the hook.

Indeed,if you think that the approach taken in NSW is poor,then we should at least give them credit for making some kind of effort. That can be contrasted with the mob in the Federal Parliament – after the Senate’s Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee recently decided that they do not need any kind of code at all.

My criticism is not meant to imply that politicians are “bad” people. They,too,are harmed by the toxic environment created by low or non-existent standards. We are led to expect the worst of them – because they formally aspire to nothing better. For example,Defence Minister Linda Reynolds referring to Higgins as a “lying cow” is now being construed in the worst possible light. (Reynolds insists she has never questioned Higgins’ account of her alleged sexual assault;rather,her remarks had related to Higgins’ account of the complaints process.)

You often hear it said that you cannot legislate for virtue (including respect). But you can specify a standard and then have the moral courage to accept responsibility for upholding it. Instead,too many of our elected representatives are blinded by their fear of responsibility. Instead,they opt for the lesser standard of accountability – where nothing much happens to a politician unless caught red-handed.

The narrower the rule,the lower the risk of being held accountable. In this sense,the abandonment of principle in favour of legalism is the politician’s shield. However,their protection comes at the cost of people like Brittany Higgins,who are left exposed.

Higgins deserves better. She has a right to expect that those with the greatest power should accept the greatest responsibility;as do we all. The Liberal Party recognises this. Why not its members in parliament?

Simon Longstaff is executive director of the Ethics Centre.

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Dr Simon Longstaff is executive director of The Ethics Centre.

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