‘Thx John. All good’:ex-councillor defends reply to Sidoti email about rezoning

A former Liberal councillor has been forced to defend why he accepted a script from Drummoyne MP John Sidoti to read at a council meeting instructing him on how to move a motion that could benefit Sidoti’s family interests.

Dr Tanveer Ahmed on Wednesday told the corruption watchdog he took Mr Sidoti’s representations into account because he was the state MP from “our side of the party.”

He said he didn’t know for sure that Mr Sidoti’s family had property interests in the area but he had heard whispers.

Drummoyne MP John Sidoti and former councillor Dr Tanveer Ahmed.

Drummoyne MP John Sidoti and former councillor Dr Tanveer Ahmed.Fairfax Media

“I think there were whispers ... that Sidoti’s family,Sidoti’s parents live around there,” he said. “I can’t remember and I certainly didn’t hear anything along the lines that they had redevelopment interest.”

Dr Ahmed said he should have raised it with Mr Sidoti,but he never did,because he “would not have expected that sort of betrayal”.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption is investigating whether the Drummoyne MP used his position to improperly influence local Liberal councillors between 2011 and 2018. It is alleged he engaged town planners and persistently lobbied council to rezone blocks where his family owned property.

Mr Sidoti’s electorate office in Five Dock.

Mr Sidoti’s electorate office in Five Dock.SMH

He was stood aside as sports minister when the ICAC launched a preliminary investigation and has since moved to the crossbench.

The inquiry heard Dr Ahmed received a personal email from Mr Sidoti hours before a council meeting in August 2016,with advice on how to word a motion to rezone blocks in Five Dock,despite the proposal being formally rejected by council at least three times since 2014.

“Thx John. All good,” Mr Ahmed replied. Mr Sidoti then sent another email stating:“I will send a couple of questions you can ask to the planner.”

Counsel assisting the commission Rob Ranken suggested Mr Ahmed was indicating he was happy with the script Mr Sidoti suggested,and he was going to go along with it.

“It’s possible. I don’t know for sure,” Dr Ahmed said.

He said he should have told Mr Sidoti the emailed script was inappropriate,but he “wasn’t overly perturbed by it,because I trusted the process”.

The commission has previously heard Dr Ahmed was one of three Liberal councillors to lose their seats on council at a 2017 preselection process after they voted against the rezoning proposal for the final time.

It has been alleged Mr Sidoti worked with Liberal powerbroker Joe Tannous to create an alternative ticket,which saw the councillors unseated. Former councillor Mirjana Cestar last week said she believed the move was “retribution” for not supporting Mr Sidoti’s rezoning bid.

Dr Ahmed told the commission he was surprised by the scale of the council preselection process,because it felt more akin to a state or federal process.

“For a relatively modest municipal vote,it did feel like there was a bit more edge to it ... a bit more drama about it.”

He said he expected Mr Tannous to be involved because he was a “deal maker” in the Liberal Party,who practised “the dark arts of politics ... getting people in certain positions.”

The ICAC is also probing whether Mr Sidoti breached public trust by failing to disclose a number of pecuniary interests,contrary to his obligations to do so under the ministerial code of conduct.

It also heard evidence on Wednesday from accountant Tony Zaccagnini. He set up trust structures and companies to act as corporate trustees of Sidoti family trusts,of which Mr Sidoti and his wife were beneficiaries.

Mr Zaccagnini gave evidence about two companies that purchased the Five Dock properties at the centre of the inquiry,including 120 Great North Road.

Mr Ranken asked the accountant if Mr Sidoti had ever sought advice about his obligation to disclose to Parliament his ownership of the property in his capacity as trustee.

“I don’t think he believed he owned it,” Mr Zaccagnini said.

The inquiry continues.

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Lucy Cormack is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in Dubai.

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