In trashing the treaty,Crisafulli let the tail wag the dog

In the Lorraine Motel car park,some 55 years after that shot rang out in a Memphis sky,a holidaying Brisbane journalist found himself seeking some news from home.

These days,the site of Martin Luther King jnr’s brutal assassination is home to the National Civil Rights Museum – a modern building adjoining the former segregation-era motel for Black guests barred from the nicer accommodations in downtown Memphis.

The National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel,Memphis.

The National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel,Memphis.Supplied

It draws a direct line from the slave ships off west Africa to the election of the country’s first African-American president and beyond,via Jim Crow,lynchings,Emmett Till and,of course,that fateful day in Memphis.

For all its faults – and there are many – the US is good at confronting its past,no matter how uncomfortable it can be,and how much blowback from the usual suspects it might attract.

Being on such sacred ground,just days after the failed Voice referendum back home (nowhere more so thanin my home state),was an uneasy experience,to say the least.

Both the US and Australia have complicated racial histories. Only one of those nations seems intent on not confronting its past,keeping it a dirty little secret.

David Crisafulli announcing his party’s decision to drop its support for First Nations treaties.

David Crisafulli announcing his party’s decision to drop its support for First Nations treaties.Matt Dennien

So,souls heavy with the weight of history,we returned to our hire car. I reached into my right jeans pocket for my phone,seeking news from home.

There it was,at the top ofBrisbane Times:“Cloud over treaties after LNP drops support”. Opposition Leader David Crisafulli had dropped the LNP’s support for Queensland’s path to treaty,citing the “further division” it would cause.

A gut punch.

A gut punch to the reconciliation movement.

A gut punch to those who strive to move Australia forward,by addressing the sins of the past.

A gut punch to a community already hunched over after the Australian electorates’ rejection of their Voice.

And a gut punch,presumably,to the May 2023 version of David Crisafulli.

It was he who stood up in parliament – meeting in Cairns – to give an impassioned speech supporting the Path to Treaty legislation put forward by the Palaszczuk government.

Crisafulli outlined the “tragedy” of the entrenched disadvantages faced by Queensland’s First Nations people,particularly those in remote areas.

“Nothing changes. Why? Because no one is being held accountable,” he said.

“Path to Treaty offers an opportunity to address this – a fork in the road.

“Down one well-travelled path lies a discussion had for political purposes. It talks a big game but achieves little for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – a path where political battle lines are drawn but ultimately ends with a decade wasted and no progress made.

“Down the other path is a treaty. It places accountability on this and future governments – a treaty that enshrines KPIs that materially address the disadvantage in Aboriginal communities on issues like health,education,housing,employment and infrastructure.

“This is a difficult path,a path that will mean governments can no longer act as though they are powerless observers. We are not. Governments are the bodies to enact change for these communities that deserve and yearn for change.

“It is a path where,working together,we can all shine a light on poor performance and ultimately lead to what we all want:real improvements in the lives of Indigenous Queenslanders.”

Hear hear.

“I believe in truth-telling and,to me,that means telling it like it is,” Crisafulli said in that speech.

Here’s some truth-telling. In engaging in a cynical,opportunistic U-turn on such a fundamentally important issue,Crisafulli showed himself completely lacking in conviction.

To borrow fromThe West Wing,the would-be premier became the French radical,watching the crowd run by and saying:“There go my people. I must find out where they’re going so I can lead them.”

What Crisafulli did that day was many things. But it was not leadership.

In dropping his support for treaty,Crisafulli opened one of those “political battle lines” he lamented in May. Another potential “decade wasted” with absolutely no progress.

And he helped open the door tomore incendiary rhetoric that sought only to divide us further. Rather ironic,given his stated reasoning.

“If[Prime Minister Anthony] Albanese had done what I’m doing several months ago,we wouldn’t be in the position right now where we’ve got a divided nation,and I don’t want to pour fuel on that fire,” Crisafulli said.

“We believe that a failure to[make this decision now] would have led to another six months that we’ve seen.”

Treaty is not Voice. Voice is not Treaty. By definition,a treaty is unifying,not divisive.

If anything,truth-telling and treaty are an easier sell than the Voice to Parliament. Before the effective disinformation campaigns,support for the Voice hovered about 64 per cent.

Alack of bipartisanship,and confusion over what the Voice actually was,proved its downfall. Treaties are much easier to define.

If the Voice referendum showed us anything,it’s that bipartisanship is essential if we are to make any real progress in improving the lot of First Nations people.

Crisafulli is in with a much better shot of being premier this time next year than any of his post-Newman predecessors could have claimed at this stage of the electoral cycle.

By choosing to kick a resolution to Australia’s original sin further down the road,it’s not hard to predict how history will judge him – just another empty shirt.

A far cry from the Dr Kings of the world.

Cameron Atfield is a journalist at Brisbane Times.

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