Keffiyeh scarf effectively banned from floor of Victorian parliament

The Palestinian keffiyeh scarf cannot be worn on the floor of the Victorian parliament,Speaker Maree Edwards has effectively ruled.

The decision prevents Greens MP Gabrielle de Vietri from continuing to wear the chequered scarf in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza during parliamentary debates and question time.

Greens MP Gabrielle de Vietri was asked to leave the floor of parliament last week for wearing the keffiyeh.

Greens MP Gabrielle de Vietri was asked to leave the floor of parliament last week for wearing the keffiyeh.Getty

The development comes a week after de Vietri,the first-term MP for Richmond,was asked to leave the lower house chamber for refusing to take off her scarf following a complaint from deputy Liberal leader David Southwick,who is Jewish.

State parliament has strict rules on what politicians can wear and bring into the chamber.

The keffiyeh has become popular outside the Middle East and North Africa among supporters of Palestine. Activists have been donning it while marching through the streets of Melbourne to call for a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

However,the scarf is controversial among supporters of Israel,who can regard it as a symbol of violence and even terrorism.

Greens leader Ellen Sandell sought an explicit ruling on the keffiyeh on Wednesday morning but was rebuffed by Edwards,who said no political paraphernalia was acceptable on the floor of the lower house. The Speaker said further clarification could be sought from her office and now was not the appropriate time to seek the ruling.

Sandell was heckled with shouts of “Sit down!” from both sides of the chamber when she sought the ruling. Politicians had just taken a group photo with charity beanies to show their support for Labor MP Emma Vulin,who revealed this year that she had been diagnosed with motor-neurone disease.

Wednesday also marks the commemoration of Nakba Day,an annual day of mourning for the Palestinian people due to the mass displacement that occurred in the late 1940s.

The Speaker’s office was contacted for comment.

Southwick said on Wednesday that Edwards’ stance gave him comfort.

“The keffiyeh was[worn] by Hamas terrorists on October 7. It’s not something anybody should be wearing at parliament.”

More than 1100 Israelis were killed by Hamas militants during the October 7 attacks,including more than 30 children,according to Israel. Since then,more than 35,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been killed by airstrikes and as part of Israel’s ground offensive,according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. The ministry says the figure includes more than 7700 children whose remains have beenidentified so far.

Sandell said in a statement:“Today the Victorian parliament becomes one of the only parliaments in the world to ban the wearing of the keffiyeh in the chamber.

“In the midst of a potential genocide our government should be joining the millions of people around the world calling for a permanent ceasefire.”

De Vietri was wearing a red and white keffiyeh on the floor of parliament last week when a pro-Palestine protester interrupted Treasurer Tim Pallas’ 10th budget speech.

“You preach the charter of human rights while Gaza is being annihilated by the Israeli Defence Force,” a woman shouted from the public gallery last Tuesday.

After the gallery was cleared,Southwick labelled the protest “appalling behaviour”. He also demanded that de Vietri be removed from the chamber for wearing a keffiyeh.

“If I came here with an Israeli flag today,I am sure many people would also equally take offence and ask me to take it off,” Southwick said at the time.

Edwards then asked de Vietri to remove the scarf,but she refused,and so the Greens MP was booted from the chamber for an hour and a half.

“Further incursions in relation to paraphernalia relating to either side of the conflict that we are witnessing,which is distressing everybody,will be treated with the most serious act,which is naming,” Edwards said at the time.

Naming an MP refers to having them suspended from the chamber for more than a few hours.

De Vietri was not wearing her scarf in the chamber on Wednesday.

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Broede Carmody is a state political reporter for The Age. Previously,he was the national news blogger for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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