Labor is trying to stuff its hospitals problem back in the bag. It’s too late

State Political Editor

Could it make economic sense for the state government to begin someamalgamations or mergers of Victoria’s hospitals? Almost certainly. But you won’t hear Labor MPs use those words when discussing the growing problems facing state’s health sector and how the Allan government is planning to solve them.

On Tuesday,Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas stuck to the script,referring only to the proposed mergers as changes that “may or may not be made”,but if they were made,they would be to “address the challenges” facing the health system.

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan is hoping the state’s hospitals problems will go away. They won’t.

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan is hoping the state’s hospitals problems will go away. They won’t.Joe Armao

Weasel words aside,what we do know is that the government has commissioned a review into the state’s hospitals to fix what it sees as the urgency of problems.

It’s hard to disagree.

The COVID-19 pandemic seemed to expose and aggravate the vulnerabilities in our ailing health system,such as staff shortages and surging costs. Over the past few years alone,Victorians have been spent more hours waiting in emergency departments,the state government hasfallen short of its elective surgery promises, andcash is running low.

The growing cost of delivering health services isn’t exclusively a Victorian problem. The Commonwealth predicts that its health budget will increase faster as a share of GDP compared to other areas over the next 40 years,largely driven by an ageing population.

All this data and dysfunction could have helped the government form a pretty solid case about the need to do things differently,particularly when you consider NSW has just 15 local health districts.

Instead,the government began secret talks about “linking services” and “improving collaboration” in the second half of last year – blindly hoping that hospital boards wouldn’t see what was really going on.

The secret process has been overseen by an “independent expert advisory committee” which includes former state Labor minister and Bendigo MP Bob Cameron – who,on his retirement Jacinta Allan described as a “good friend”.

The government could have spent the past few months pitching these potential amalgamations as a way to deliver improved care,reduce operating expenses or give health services better leverage when negotiating with expensive locums or surgeons.

But in the absence of any detail or leadership on the issue,the government has allowed disgruntled health boards,industry stakeholders and the opposition to present a worst-case scenario to the public.

Now the government has to be reactive,and try to stuff a large and problematic cat back into the bag.

Part of this has been driven by the government’s half-baked consultation process,which put noses out of joint in regional communities nine months ago when invitation-only “workshops” kicked off.

Months later,options were presented to hospital boards who had just a few weeks to make submissions. As one board member said;“We all believed the decision was made before the consultation even began.”

Adding to an already febrile atmosphere,some board members fear they have been gagged from advocating for their health services after a recent change to the code of conduct for public sector boards included a new clause to stop them from “lobbying”. A change that the government has so far refused to clarify.

The Victorian government has been grilled over its decision to scrap the location of the Arden Hospital.

Given one of the proposals being considered is to remove local hospital boards and chief executives,it’s unlikely the government will persuade them of the need to amalgamate. So,the hard work of convincing the public of the plan will sit with the government.

To shift the narrative,Labor must reassure voters that their local hospital will stay open,a prospect that even critics of the mergers admit is possible.

On Thursday,Thomas reinforced this point,“there will be no hospital closures”,she said.

What is less clear is whether smaller hospitals will effectively become triage services for larger hospitals,meaning patients with more serious ailments will need to travel further from home for more specialised care and surgeries.

If that’s the case the government will need to convince voters that these more advanced procedures cannot be safely provided in small local hospitals facing staff shortages and that larger centralised branches – while further away – will ultimately offer better care.

It remains to be seen whether such a strategy can still work,but Labor knows that all politics is local,and if handled poorly this issue will have electoral ramifications.

Thomas insists the committee hasn’t yet provided her with its report and is refusing to put a timeframe on the plan. But if you wanted a hint as to when the government will unveil its proposal,you can be sure it will be well clear of the next state and federal election,the latter of which is due in 12 months time.

While state governments are charged with managing and administering public hospitals,the Albanese government is unlikely to survive unscathed if this issue is allowed to fester.

Political observers will remember then-prime ministerJohn Howard’s intervention in 2007 when the Tasmanian government planned to downgrade the Mersey hospital,forcing locals to travel 45 minutes to Burnie for major procedures.

If the state opposition was tempted to revive its thrice rejected plan for the East West Link at the next election,they needn’t bother.

Unless it’s resolved,Labor’s plan to amalgamate the state’s 76 hospitals into about a dozen large networks,potentially merging services and staff,has handed the Coalition one of the meatiest political issues in almost a decade.

Annika Smethurst is state political editor.

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Annika Smethurst is state political editor for The Age.

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