Don’t know,don’t care:The electorate holding Christian Porter’s political fate in its hands

For anyone with even a passing interest in politics,the country’s attorney-general being accused of rape when he was a teenager in the 1980s at least registered as a startling event.

Except maybe for many living in Christian Porter’s own West Australian electorate of Pearce.

Christian Porter in Parliament on May 27.

Christian Porter in Parliament on May 27.Alex Ellinghausen

On a crisp winter’s morning outside the Wanneroo Central shoppingcentre,20 kilometres north of Perth,most people approached to share their thoughts about whether they would vote for Porter either didn’t know who he was or didn’t care enough to comment.

“I think you should find someone more intelligent to speak to,” quipped one older lady.

Voters fall into three categories in Pearce,which will be turned into a coastal suburban mortgage belt electorate when the Australian Electoral Commission lops off its conservative voting farming regions to the east in a boundary redraw in August.

There are the rusted-on conservatives whom even a scandal this serious couldn’t sway;others who have never voted for him or will never consider it again;and a large proportion who missed the whole thing,can’t stand politics and don’t give it a moment’s thought in their busy lives.

But they will be forced to take notice as Labor sets out to turn the seat red for the first time in its 31-year history by taking advantage of the skin lost by the WA Liberals’ former golden boy and a boundary shake-up set to make the seat a close contest.

Porter has slowly been reintroducing himself to the public after a February press conference where he outed himself as the cabinet minister at the centre of a Four Corners and ABC report which claimed he raped a debating team colleague in Sydney when they were teenagers in the late 1980s.

It is a claim he has consistently and strenuously denied and cannot be tested in courts because the alleged victim took her own life last year,but it cost him his job as attorney general as he launched defamation action against the ABC.

Jandabup resident and Abrolhos Islands Charters owner Dave McShane.

Jandabup resident and Abrolhos Islands Charters owner Dave McShane.Supplied

On Monday,Porter sensationally dropped that case but both parties still claim victory. The ABC will pay a minor fee for mediation costs and placed a note on the original story – which remains online – saying it never intended to suggest Porter was guilty of rape and “did not contend that the serious accusations could be substantiated to the applicable legal standard – criminal or civil”.

The note also said the ABC regretted if some readers “misinterpreted” the article as a statement of guilt. Despite these concessions,the ABC did not apologise for the article. The ABC’s Louise Milligan said in a tweet that she stood by her journalism.

Porter confirmed he would run at the next election but had no ambition to return to the attorney general portfolio.

Dave McShane,who lives in the semi-rural suburb of Jandabup and operates Abrolhos Island fishing charters,said he had only caught snippets of the Porter saga,but he wasn’t impressed with the state of politics generally.

Carmen Allan-Petale with her husband David Allan-Petale and their two daughters Ruby,4 and Bronte,10 months.

Carmen Allan-Petale with her husband David Allan-Petale and their two daughters Ruby,4 and Bronte,10 months.Supplied

“I understand that he hasn’t done his popularity that much good recently but I don’t know the details,unfortunately,” he said.

“I’m not a fan of politicians in general,I pick the best of a bad bunch as a rule.”

But Carmen Allan-Petale,a mother of two young girls and owner of marketing company Red Platypus who lives in Carramar,said the allegations against Porter would influence her vote.

“I definitely wouldn’t vote for him. I feel like I didn’t have a strong opinion on him before all of this went down but now I just feel so sad because I feel like justice hasn’t been served,” she said.

Longtime Jandabup residents and Liberal voters Brian and Margaret Smith will be able to vote for Porter for the first time and said the saga had only strengthened their support.

“Christian Porter himself is a very smart cookie and we’d be more than happy to have him as our member here,” Mr Smith said.

The defamation case was shaping up to be the only avenue to put the allegations to the test,with the ABC intending to use the truth defence,but with it scrapped and the federal government rejecting calls for an independent inquiry,lingering bad press will weigh on Porter’s election chances.

Margaret and Brian Smith are supportive of Christian Porter.

Margaret and Brian Smith are supportive of Christian Porter.Sharon Smith

Pearce’s 2019 electoral boundaries made it one of Australia’s most overpopulated,with two major growth centres within it at the tip of Perth’s northern urban sprawl.

Porter has held the seat since 2013 after he swapped his role as state treasurer for a shot at Canberra. In 2019,he bucked national and state trends with a 3.9 per cent swing,one of WA’s biggest toward the coalition,to win the seat by 7.5 per cent.

But if the Australian Electoral Commission draft boundaries are confirmed on August 2,the electorate will be butchered,with all carvings of the Coalition-voting Wheatbelt towns to the east distributed to surrounding electorates,to be replaced by more Labor-heavy suburbs such as Wanneroo.

Election analyst Antony Green said this boundary redraw would shave off about 2.3 per cent of Porter’s margin.

Labor smells blood in the water and has it marked as a target seat and will throw significant resources at it. The party has already opened expressions of interest for the seat and is looking for a strong candidate.

Hamish Hastie is WAtoday's state political reporter and the winner of five WA Media Awards,including the 2023 Beck Prize for best political journalism.

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