Law and ore:The one story you need to read about the 2020-21 WA budget

West Australian household fees will drop by 10 per cent and the state government will still deliver a surplus in the face of the global economy’s biggest downturn since the Great Depression,thanks to the state’s mining sector.

The 2020-21 budget released on Thursday will also see a record amount of spending on infrastructure to help the state economy avoid any recession hole – but it is all reliant on WA avoiding a second coronavirus wave.

Premier Mark McGowan handed the 2020-21 budget down today.

Premier Mark McGowan handed the 2020-21 budget down today.WAtoday

WA Premier Mark McGowan said the focus of this year's budget had changed dramatically

"We cannot take any chances and that is why our budget strategy has changed this year. Instead of our priority being debt reduction,this budget’s focus is Western Australian jobs,"he said.

"This budget is focused on keeping WA safe and strong,it is a budget of opportunity. Opportunity for all West Australians."

How it will impact your hip pocket

With an election coming and consumer confidence shaky,the government has decreased household fees and charges by a record 10.4 per cent,thanks largely to the $600 electricity credit already announced.

That will mean the average household will pay $663 less in fees and charges than last year.

The $5.5 million WA Recovery Plan announced in July was also built into this budget.

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Electricity and water tariffs,motor vehicle-related charges and public transport fares will be frozen,and the Emergency Services Levy,wastewater and drainage charge fees will be reduced,costing the state $556 million.

It includes the $942.8 million package for businesses which includes schemes such as $165 million worth of payroll tax waivers,$107 million of payroll tax grants and $100 million of licence fee waivers.

State of play

The budget papers predict the state will record a $1.2 billion surplus over the next year,$2.7 billion less than expected before COVID-19 hit.

Over the next four years,$27.1 billion will be spent on infrastructure,which would contribute to economic growth of 1.25 per cent over this financial year.

This spending will have to come from somewhere,however,with projected operating surpluses cut by $6.6 billion over the forward estimates and net debt set to grow from $39.25 billion to $42.8 billion by 2023-24.

WA budget in numbers

The state’s finances have been largely cushioned by a $2.32 billion windfall in iron ore royalties last financial year thanks to COVID-19's impact on Brazil’s iron ore industry,which shot the iron ore price well above the US$66.20 predicted in the December’s mid-year review.

The government received $7.6 billion in iron ore royalties in 2019-20 and is predicting $7.39 billion in 2021-22 thanks to a higher iron ore price of US$96.6 dollars per tonne,though Mr Wyatt admitted those predictions were conservative.

The biggest assumption in the budget is that WA would avoid a second wave of COVID-19 cases and that there were no further significant outbreaks that would impact household and business confidence here.

In the budget's statement of risks,it predicted a second outbreak would cause the state's domestic economy to contract by 2.25 per cent and increase the unemployment rate to 8.75 per cent from a predicted 8 per cent.

It also assumed there was a"relatively smooth transition of economic impacts"as the federal JobKeeper and JobSeeker schemes tapered off.

Big-ticket items

The election centrepiece of the budget is an allocation of $314 million to recruit 800 more police. This comes on top of the 150 already announced to cope with the border and pandemic restrictions.

Police Minister Michelle Roberts said more officers meant more flexibility and a bigger presence on the street.

The Mitchell Freeway will get the same'smart freeway'treatment the Kwinana northbound recently received.

About $100 million will see coordinated on-ramp signals installed along 16 ramps from Hester Avenue to Vincent Street with construction expected to begin in 2021.

Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said the Kwinana Freeway project had been a huge success,shaving up to 10 minutes off a regular commute,and said the same technology on the Mitchell would benefit about 180,000 motorists.

Mental health services were also a winner in the budget,with an extra $306 million allocated to new and existing services. This would bring the total government spend to about $1 billion on mental health.

This extra funding will include $46.9 million for suicide prevention programs and nearly $50 million for new community-based accommodation services.

Remote Aboriginal housing is also in line to receive an extra $201 million from the state government.

In total,$27.1 billion would be spent on infrastructure,including $5.7 billion on Metronet projects.

In 2020-21 alone,$2.39 billion will be spent on road infrastructure and maintenance projects.

In the family and domestic violence space,more than $7 million will be spent on a new restraining order system that would create a less stressful way of applying for restraining orders.

Nathan Hondros is WAtoday's political reporter and the winner of the 2019 Arthur Lovekin Prize for Excellence in Journalism.

Hamish Hastie is WAtoday's state political reporter and the winner of five WA Media Awards,including the 2023 Beck Prize for best political journalism.

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