WA budget 2020:WA awash in iron ore cash as state hunkers behind hard border

Western Australia is awash with iron ore royalties,which have rescued Treasurer Ben Wyatt's pre-election budget surplus and put the state on what he claims is one of best economic footings in the world.

But budget papers have given the clearest indication yet that WA’s hard border will stay until after the state election in March 2021,with economic forecasts assuming the restrictions won’t come down until April 1.

WA Treasurer Ben Wyatt has delivered a budget awash in iron ore cash.

WA Treasurer Ben Wyatt has delivered a budget awash in iron ore cash.WAtoday

Despite delivering a $1.2 billion surplus,Mr Wyatt revealed debt would balloon,peaking at $42.9 billion,eclipsing the $34.3 billion racked up by the Barnett government at the end of its term in 2017.

Since the beginning of the pandemic WA has collected an additional $2.3 billion in iron ore revenue,mostly on the back of booming commodities prices driven by Chinese stimulus spending.

Premier Mark McGowan said WA’s economy was in a better position than forecast at the outset of the pandemic,as a result of “our world leading response and strong border controls”.

He said the biggest threat to the state was a second wave of coronavirus.

“Western Australia's island within an island strategy has worked,” Mr McGowan said.

“But we are surrounded by a world of uncertainty making it more important than ever to deliver a strong,stable and sensible government to the people of Western Australia.”

Mr Wyatt brushed aside complaints from business and Prime Minister Scott Morrison that the hard border restrictions amounted to economic protectionism.

Mr Morrison said he was concerned the hard border was “some form of economic protectionism to lock Western Australians in so they spend their money there and they don’t spend it elsewhere in the country”.

“They will make the decisions to try and deal with how they manage the COVID-19 and they’ve had a lot of success there,” he told Sydney radio station 2GB.

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“But at the same time,economic protectionism,locking people in the state so they won't spend money in other parts of this country,well,that's not the Australian way.”

Mr Wyatt said the Prime Minister “could relax” about the hard border.

“What we do know is that globally,when you look at all those jurisdictions that that have had the strongest response to the coronavirus,the strongest health response,that has also been the best economic outcome as well,” he said.

“That's just a simple reality. The Prime Minister can relax knowing full well that the one thing the Premier worries about and I worry about is the health of Western Australians.”

The Treasurer said keeping the hard border in place until after the state election “was not government policy” despite it underpinning the budget as an economic assumption.

“The government policy is still very much focused around the health advice,” he said. “The treasury has made a call and by chance it has ended up replicating the Commonwealth’s position on that.

“Because of where we are in 2020-21,we're now in October,because of what's happened in travel and other economic responses,a border change today versus a border change in April has a marginal impact on what we expect around the economy and finances for 2020-21.”

The budget included an extra $314 million to recruit an additional 800 police.

Household fees and charges would fall 10 per cent ($663.52) a year,which includes the $600 credit on electricity bills.

Mr McGowan said the focus of the government’s economic policy had shifted from debt reduction to jobs creation.

“It was our strong financial management and our first three budgets that put us in the best position to respond to the impacts of COVID-19,” he said.

“Even though COVID-19 has caused the biggest global economic shock in nearly 100 years,Western Australia's economic and financial position is better than we first forecast as a result of our world leading response and strong border controls.”

Net debt will grow to $42.9 billion,which is an additional $8.3 billion over the next four year. This will amount to about 14.6 per cent of the state economy. Most of that amount would be consumed in additional infrastructure spending.

Despite the prevailing economic conditions,business investment was estimated to increase by 1.1 per cent over the next year,with the mining sector responsible for about half of planned expenditure.

Unemployment was forecast to fall from 8 per cent to 6.25 per cent over the next four years and the economy would grow by 1.25 per cent this financial year and 2.75 per cent in 2021-22.

According to budget papers,loosening pandemic restrictions has meant 70 per cent of the jobs lost since its onset had been recovered by August.

In the June quarter,state final demand – the measure of economic activity excluding exports – dropped 6 per cent in WA,more than in Queensland (-5.9 per cent),South Australia (-5.8 per cent) and the Northern Territory (-4.9 per cent).

Nathan Hondros is WAtoday's political reporter and the winner of the 2019 Arthur Lovekin Prize for Excellence in Journalism.

Hamish Hastie is WAtoday's state political reporter and the winner of five WA Media Awards,including the 2023 Beck Prize for best political journalism.

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