Black lung inquiry:Handling of X-rays'disgraceful'

The Queensland Government department which allowed thousands of coal miners'chest X-rays to sit in a locked shipping container without being checked for behaved"disgracefully",according to CFMEU state secretary Stephen Smyth.

A Senate Health committee is investigating the re-emergence of coal miners'pneumenicosis,or black lung disease.

Pneumoconiosis has re-emerged in coal miners for the first time in 30 years.

Pneumoconiosis has re-emerged in coal miners for the first time in 30 years.Michele Mossop

There are now six cases of black lung disease in Queensland,which has re-emerged for the first time in 30 years.

Officers from the Department of Natural Resources Health Surveillance Unit - responsible for the unread X-rays - are yet to provide evidence to the Senate Health committee meeting in Brisbane on Monday.

"To leave that amount of X-rays and health assessments not processed,sitting in a shipping container in boxes - who knows what condition they are in - is disgraceful,"Mr Smyth told reporters.

"That is where we say the Health Surveillance Unit,the department and the regulator have failed workers and their families miserably."

Richard Slaughter from the Royal College of Radiologists on Monday morning agreed with Senator Doug Cameron that the handling of the X-rays reported to the Senate Inquiry was a scandal.

"Yes,"Dr Slaughter said.

"I agree with you that it is not appropriate and should not happen."

Dr Slaughter said the College of Radiologists only learned recently that the large number of X-rays from Queensland coal mines had not been checked.

"We didn't know that,"he said.

"We have no idea where they were taken and by whom."

Dr Slaughter said it was not up to the College of Radiologists to determine if coal miners who contracted pnuemenicosis should be eligible to compensation.

However Dr Slaughter said coal dust was the cause of pnuemenicosis and did not see a need for a time limit on workers being able to lodge compensation claims.

"I see no reason why there should be a limit to compensation,"Dr Slaughter said.

Representatives from Vale and Anglo-American mining companies are now being questioned by Senator Doug Cameron about independent coal dust monitoring.

Earlier Monday morning,Ipswich coal miner Percy Verrell told the Senate inquiry of his serious health problems as he contracted pneumoniosis.

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Tony Moore is a senior reporter at Brisbane Times and covers urban affairs and the changing city.

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