‘Poor look’:AFL boss reacts to old footage of Dustin Martin grabbing a woman’s breast

Footage that shows Dustin Martin appearing to touch the breast of a topless woman was filmed at a 2015 “Mad Monday”-style gathering of Richmond players,and has been described by AFL boss Gillon McLachlan as a “poor look”.

The AFL wants to speak to Martin and the woman about the incident,which club sources said took place in the days following the club’s loss to North Melbourne in the 2015 elimination final. The celebrations,while not an official club function,were held at the Sporting Globe Hotel in Bridge Road,a short distance from the Tigers’ Punt Road headquarters.

Richmond's Dustin Martin has been caught on camera touching a topless woman

Sources have confirmed to The Age that the woman in the video was one of two women hired as part of the day’s entertainment. The woman in the footage was known to Martin and had a pre-existing relationship with him.

Senior sources at the AFL said while the league was seeking more information,it was not launching a formal investigation and believed the incident should ultimately be dealt with by the club.

Any action against Martin would hinge on input from the woman concerned. If she wishes to make a complaint,and to date there has been none,it would fall under the AFL’s Respect and Responsibility policy. The club did not make a public comment as Martin and the Tigers were in Brisbane preparing to play the Lions in a cut-throat final.

McLachlan admitted the footage didn’t look good.

AFL chief Gillon McLachlan.

AFL chief Gillon McLachlan.Paul Rovere

“What I’d say at the outset is that respect for women is paramount generally. As a statement it’s clear across the AFL and unambiguous,” he told Channel Seven.

“[At] first pass the video,it’s a poor look,but I don’t have any further information,I only found out late last night. I don’t have any further information this morning about Dustin’s relationship to the woman,her views,the circumstances,the facts,and so without any information it’s hard for me to comment any further.”

Asked whether the AFL would attempt to contact the woman in the video,McLachlan said:“It’s with our integrity guys and they’ll follow up at the right time,and I’m sure they will speak to everyone involved.

“I don’t have any context or information beyond that,I don’t think it’s fair to anyone involved to comment further than that until we have the information.”

Sources have indicated toThe Age that certain people within the football club are disappointed at the possibility the video was filmed and shared by a player at the function.

“We have recently been made aware that a video circulating of Dustin Martin on social media was filmed in one of our venues at a private function a number of years ago,” said Sporting Globe CEO James Sinclair in a statement.

“The Sporting Globe team were not aware or involved with any of the private event’s activities.”

In the footage,which emerged on social media,Martin can be seen carrying drinks over to a table while a half-naked woman sits on the lap of another man.

Martin then slides his hand under the woman’s arm from behind and grabs her breast,before walking away.

Richmond sources have confirmed that the embarrassing footage was from 2015. Martin was 24 at the time and in his sixth season,and the club’s view is that it is a poor look.

Players have faced sanctions for incidents of this kind in the past.

Martin has not publicly acknowledged the video,which may have been circulating for years and was publicised by media outlets on Wednesday night and Thursday.

Sources said the club was not aware of the incident or the footage until it surfaced on social media on Wednesday.

Martin could not be spoken to by the AFL about the incident until after the elimination final on Thursday night against the Brisbane Lions.

Tigers coach Damien Hardwick was asked whether he was aware of the vision at a press conference on Wednesday and said he was “not too sure” about it.

Martin returns to the team on Thursday night after missing the last few rounds of the season due to a hamstring injury.

Speculation about the three-time Norm Smith medallist’s future has been mounting over the course of the season,and Hardwick previously told reportersMartin would have his “blessing” if he decided to play elsewhere at the end of this season.

Martin took personal leave at the start of the season while grieving the death of his father and industry sources have claimed he istired of the Melbourne AFL fishbowl and keen for a change.

Richmond Football Club has been contacted for comment.

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Sam McClure is an award-winning AFL journalist and broadcaster.

Jake Niall is a Walkley award-winning sports journalist and chief AFL writer for The Age.

Lachlan Abbott is a reporter at The Age.

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