As the world holds its breath,the Games begin

It was only when Brisbane won that we understood what Tokyo had lost. Whatever you think of the Olympics,the palaver that goes with them and the people who run them,hosting the Games is a whale of a party for any city. For any city but Tokyo these next two weeks.

For the people of Tokyo,these Games are an event disconnected from their city and lives. When Tokyo won the right to host the 2020 Olympics eight years ago,the city celebrated like Brisbane. It imagined a jubilant festival of the kind Sydney revelled in when we showed the world how to tie one on.

Spectators celebrate after Brisbane was announced the host of the 2032 Olympics.

Spectators celebrate after Brisbane was announced the host of the 2032 Olympics.Getty Images

Instead,these are the Quarantine Games. There are no crowds inside the venues and nowhere else for the people of Tokyo to join in. The declaration of astate of emergency - Tokyo’s fourth of the pandemic - killed the live sites that would have created a rolling street party across this sprawling megacity. It also killed the vibe.

Emperor Naruhito,Japan’s heavenly sovereign who hasmade clear his concerns that staging the Olympics could trigger more COVID-19 infections,on Friday night was set to perform the paradoxical duty of declaring open these Games in a stadium that will remain tightly shut.

The Brisbane bid delegation who flew into Tokyo on their successful mission to host the 2032 Games understand as well as anyone what a wretched predicament their fellow Games organisers are in. “We really do,all of us to a person,feel for the experience they have had,” Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said. Federal Sports Minister Richard Colbeck said given these circumstances,the rest of us owed Japan and the people of Tokyo a debt of gratitude for holding to their Olympic bargain.

“The Japanese government are people who keep their commitments and they have made a commitment to hold these Games,” Colbeck said. “It is a big deal. We are in the midst of a global pandemic. We are all having to deal with that and all that it brings. And despite all that,when we are watching the Games around the world on our TV screens,it is going to bring a lot of joy.”

Now that they are underway,the Olympics will create storylines well beyond the tedious requirements of infection control and tallies of case numbers that accompany everyday life in Australia’s states of lockdown. If sport,rather than religion,is Australia’s opium,we have never been in greater need of a hit.

'Media,athletes,and empty stadiums':Our journalists on the ground in Japan reflect on a very different Olympics experience.

When Ariarne Titmus dives in against Katie Ledecky orAsh Barty serves it up to Naomi Osaka,when Sam Kerr finds herself in space with the ball at her feet orStuart McSweyn sets the pace ahead of the best milers in the world,we’ll forget for a while that a pandemic is going on.

This is also why,for people living in Tokyo and other prefectures where the Delta variant of the virus is fast becoming the dominant COVID-19 strain,the Olympics represent a hazardous two weeks.

Hitoshi Oshitani,one of Japan’s leading virologists,was a member of the Japanese government’s advisory panel on COVID-19,which in the first year of the pandemic helped keep the nation’s infection rate to one of the lowest in the developed world. Speaking toThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age this week,he said the greatest risk was not that travelling athletes would bring the virus into Japan but rather that staging the Games would undermine a public health message already failing to reach its young.

Shibuya Crossing at the heart of Tokyo,a day before the Olympics opening ceremony.

Shibuya Crossing at the heart of Tokyo,a day before the Olympics opening ceremony.Chris Jue

In Tokyo,new case numbers are nearing 2000 a day. As of Thursday 2500 people were in hospital,including nearly 400 severe cases. The death rate remains low but more people in their 40s and 50s,nearly all of them un-vaccinated,are becoming seriously ill with the virus. Average testing numbers are only running at about 6000 a day,compared to the more than 80,000 tests conducted in a single day in Sydney this week.

“In Japan we are in a difficult phase,” Oshitani says. “We started vaccinating elderly people and health care workers. In many places,vaccinations for young people have not started yet. That is why we are seeing a significant increase in terms of numbers,particularly in young people.

“It is more difficult to ask young people to stay at home. They have not had any social opportunities for more than a year and now we are having this huge global sports event. They are going out,more restaurants are open at night,many are having parties at home. We cannot stop them.”

The Japanese public health response,due to the postwar constitutional reforms which prohibit enforceable emergency powers,is like a marathon runner in a pair of Dunlop Volleys. UnlikeAustralian Olympic boss John Coates,the Japanese government can’t issue orders to anyone;it can only ask.

Mio Maruyama,a 28-year-old real estate agent,gave the response of many young people when she joined her friends in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district for a midweek drink. “Nobody is convinced when[the government] victimises people who are drinking alcohol without showing decent scientific evidence even while going ahead with the Olympics,” she toldJapan Today. “When I think of how politicians are playing around with this I’m not quite rooting for this event from my heart.”

Personal trainer Kayoko Ramel is still looking forward to the Games.

Personal trainer Kayoko Ramel is still looking forward to the Games.Chris Jue

The hypocrisy of asking people to abstain while a great sporting knees-up is going on is plain to see,but not everyone in Tokyo feels jaded about the Games. At Shibuya Crossing,the world’s busiest city intersection where the Games were to be broadcast on towering,Blade Runner-style video screens,46-year-old personal trainer Kayoko Ramel is excited that the Games are still going on. “Hosting the Olympics could be the trigger to show Japan and the world could overcome the COVID-19 hardships,” she says.

Ken Asahi,a 50-year-old fashion designer and keen skateboarder,is just happy to watch his favourite sport as part of the Olympic program.

Oshitani is worried there remains a serious risk of a large-scale outbreak inside the Games precinct that Tokyo organisers have not done enough to mitigate. He says the high-rise Olympic village was designed to help athletes socialise,not keep them apart,and the number of athletes and village staff already infected has exposed assurances that the village is COVID-safe as hollow. “I don’t think they are prepared for the worst-case scenario,” he adds.

If that happens and dozens of prominent athletes are missing from the starting blocks,not even the spectacle of the Olympics will distract from the reality of the pandemic.

Former professional skateboarder and fashion designer Ken Asahi is keen to see his sport’s Olympic debut.

Former professional skateboarder and fashion designer Ken Asahi is keen to see his sport’s Olympic debut.Chris Jue

On the morning of the opening ceremony,the Tokyo organising committee reported that 19 people associated with the Games,including three athletes,had tested positive the previous day,bringing to 106 the number of cases detected in Olympic athletes,support staff,officials,media and volunteers. If the Olympic village was an Australian state,Queensland would close its borders to it.

The Games remain deeply unpopular in Japan,with the latest Ipsos Global Advisor poll showing 78 per cent of people believe the Olympics should not go ahead. When the Olympic and Paralympic caravans move on towards Paris,Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and his government will be left behind to face the judgement of voters in an October general election.

So why are we here?Suga’s response this week could have come from the mouth of any Australian political leader over the past 18 months. “The simplest thing and the easiest thing is to quit,” he toldThe Wall Street Journal. “But the government’s job is to tackle challenges.

“If you compare our number of infections to countries abroad,we have fewer by a whole order of magnitude. We’ve got vaccinations advancing,we’re taking tough steps to prevent infection and so my judgement is we’re in the right place and we’re ready to go.”

Suga dismissed the suggestion that Tokyo was being held to ransom by its contract with the International Olympic Committee.

The heroic take on these Games,embraced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison in his live cross to the IOC congress during Brisbane’s final pitch,is that the Tokyo Olympics symbolise a global aspiration to get out from beneath our doona. “Yes,these Games are different,but they are the Games that will say to history despite setbacks,despite obstacles,we persevered,” he said.

Flush with the excitement of Wednesday’s announcement of the host rights for 2032,Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk reaffirmed this sentiment. “We are all going through a world pandemic at the moment and what the International Olympic Committee is able to do is to actually give the world hope,” she said. “For the first time our athletes are coming together during a pandemic. I think this is wonderful.”

James Tomkins,a six-time Olympian who has spent the past seven years as a member of the IOC athletes’ commission,says this aspiration is shared by today’s competitors. “They want the opportunity to be role models,of showing the way forward,″⁣ he said. “You just need to allow them to do that,to give them the positive stories,to be those role models and to provide that example. They are hanging out to be able to do that for all of us,for the movement and for all of the athletes out there.″⁣

Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner,Federal Sports Minister Richard Colbeck,AOC president John Coates,Olympian James Tomkins and Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk celebrate in Tokyo.

Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner,Federal Sports Minister Richard Colbeck,AOC president John Coates,Olympian James Tomkins and Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk celebrate in Tokyo.Getty Images

Senator Colbeck has spent the past week meeting Games officials and Japanese ministers across sporting and social portfolios. He says everyone involved in Tokyo 2020 is looking for a tipping point in public sentiment;the moment when opposition to the Olympics recedes and excitement takes over. “People have been waiting for that and it hasn’t quite happened yet,″⁣ he said on the eve of the opening ceremony. “What is it that will flick the switch for people on the Games? Is it tomorrow night?

“Everybody is looking at COVID and it is sucking the oxygen out of everything else. You also know what having the AFL and NRL last year meant in Australia. I would like to think the Games will have that sort of effect,particularly if the Japanese team has some success.″⁣

For IOC president Thomas Bach,the imperative to hold these Games is deeply personal.

The notion of the IOC being primarily motivated by the interests of athletes invites scorn. The timing of these Games,scheduled to suit the preferred broadcast window of NBC,means athletes must compete at the peak of Tokyo’s summer in stifling heat and humidity. Yet for Bach,the conviction that every athlete should be given the chance to go to an Olympics is genuine.

IOC president Thomas Bach.

IOC president Thomas Bach.AP

Australian Olympian Michelle Ford has known Bach since 1981,when they were part of a delegation of athletes invited to the German city of Baden-Baden to address an IOC congress. The pair,like Sebastian Coe and Ivar Formo and the other athletes who were part of that delegation,were pioneers in the athletes’ rights movement and have shared a bond ever since.

Speaking toThe Age andSydney Morning Herald from Lausanne,the Swiss city where the IOC is headquartered,Ford explains that missing the 1980 Moscow Olympics due to West Germany’s boycott was a life-changing experience for Bach.

“He sees the opportunity lost,the sacrifice an athlete makes in their young life and understands that if you lose that moment,you can never get it back,” she says. “Thomas has gone to the athletes and asked their advice and tried to understand what it would have meant if Tokyo didn’t go forward. I feel for athletes that fall sick with COVID days before their event. Nothing has been easy for the athlete on this road. But I do believe that to get them on the field is Thomas’ main concern.”

Bach told the IOC congress this week that cancelling the Games was never an option. Now,we can only hold our breath.

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Chip Le Grand is The Age’s chief reporter. He writes about national affairs,sport and crime,with a particular focus on Melbourne.

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