Bogut dives into NBA,Hong Kong,South Park firestorm

Australian superstar Andrew Bogut has dived into the spiralling controversy over China,Hong Kong and free speech that has engulfed the NBA,even as the world's most popular basketball league was furiously trying to extricate itself from the firestorm.

While the NBA was rapidly backing away from a hastily-deleted tweet by Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey supporting the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong,saying they were"extremely inappropriate",Bogut was tweeting his thanks to the Rockets boss.

The National Basketball Association came under fire on Monday for its response to a tweet by a Houston Rockets official in support of Hong Kong protests for democracy,the latest overseas business to run afoul of political issues in China.

The outspoken Australian veteran had his own troubles after criticising accused drug cheat and Chinese swimming champion Sun Yang,leading to continual booingwhenever he touched the ball in the Boomers'recent World Cup campaign in the country.

"Thanks@dmorey for taking some of the nmsl’s I was flooded with....! Enjoy the next few weeks anytime you post anything!"Bogut said on Twitter. NMSL is a Chinese slang acronym meaning"your mother is dead"commonly hurled as abuse online.

Morey's statement appeared to have a swift impact on his NBA franchise.

Chinese internet giant Tencent,which recently signed a deal worth about $US1.5 billion ($2.2 billion) to stream NBA games in China,announced it would stop showing Rockets games immediately amid a loud backlash in China.

Andrew Bogut plays for Australia at the World Cup in China last month,where he was booed by crowds.

Andrew Bogut plays for Australia at the World Cup in China last month,where he was booed by crowds.AP

Two Chinese sponsors have also reportedly suspended their involvement with the team.

The row also shows the risks Australian sporting codes face as they try to expand their presence in China amid heightened sensitivity from many mainland Chinese people and institutions in the context of a trade war with the United States and protests in Hong Kong.

"The Chinese government are very strict on what gets in,"Monash University sport and globalisation researcher Tom Heenan said."If you upset the apple cart you just get cut … it's a lesson to codes like the AFL,which is trying to make a splash in the market."

The AFL has made the biggest bet on China of any Australian sports code,with an annual game in the country,but the NRL has also recognised the market's potential and A-League teams regularly play Chinese outfits as part of the Asian Champions League.

On Monday,Bogut also endorsed a controversial newSouth Park episode,titledBand in China,calling it"perfect"and saying it"hit the nail on the head".

The episode criticises the communist state,comparing Chinese President Xi Jinping to Winnie the Pooh and showing characters getting caught with drugs and being sent to a work camp.

Chinese authorites were reportedly aggravated by the episode's criticism of the Chinese Communist Party and promptly banned allSouth Park content in China in response this week.South Park's creators in turn responded with a satirical apology.

The Rockets'boss,Morey,sparked the controversy on Sunday night when he urged people to"stand with Hong Kong",where authorities have invoked emergency powers not used in 50 years to crack down on protesters who want universal suffrage in the Chinese territory.

Riot police clash with protesters in Hong Kong,where residents are campaigning to preserve and expand freedoms unique to the territory within China.

Riot police clash with protesters in Hong Kong,where residents are campaigning to preserve and expand freedoms unique to the territory within China.Bloomberg

Morey's remark triggered a loud backlash in China,where the Rockets have a large following because Chinese megastar Yao Ming played for the team from 2002 to 2011.

The NBA issued two different statements in response. The first,in English,said it was"regrettable"Morey’s views"deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China"but also gestured toward the importance of free speech.

The Chinese-language statement,however,did not mention free speech and condemned Morey's remarks in stronger language.

Politicians across the political spectrum in the US slammed the NBA's backdown,accusing it of contradicting its commitment to free speech,which has seen it adopt a more tolerant attitude to social activism than other sporting codes.

"This is bigger than just the NBA,"prominent Republican Marco Rubio said on Twitter."It’s about China's growing ability to restrict freedom of expression here in the US ... Now private citizens risk losing their jobs if they offend China."

Other NBA teams,including the Philadelphia 76ers where Australian Ben Simmons plays,have ducked the issue.

Coach Brett Brown told thePhiladelphia Inquirer his players"can do what they choose to do"and Simmons said he"did not know details"of conversations at the team about the Morey incident.

"You have to balance the interest of the market that you’re trying to get into with the interests of your home market and there may be a backlash in the home market in this case,"Dr Heenan said.

Bogut's team,the Sydney Kings,and Australia's NBL declined to comment.

Nick Bonyhady is a technology writer for the Australian Financial Review,based in Sydney. He is a former technology editor,industrial relations and politics reporter at the Sydney Morning Herald and Age.

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