Career-ending ban vindicates Horton’s contempt for star


Sun Yang's banishment from international sport has given his arch-rival,Australian Mack Horton,the ultimate final serve in a bitter rivalry that set fire to the Olympic pool at the Rio Games and continued to burn until last year's dramatic FINA World Championships in South Korea.

China's Sun Yang,centre,with his gold medal as silver medallist Australia's Mack Horton,left,stands away from the podium.

China's Sun Yang,centre,with his gold medal as silver medallist Australia's Mack Horton,left,stands away from the podium.AP

In between,it often seemed that both men were defined by one another,from their epic battles in the pool to their war of words and deeds out of the water. Neither would back down,nor seriously seek an olive branch,and now it is Horton who remains standing.

Sun was rubbed out of the sport when the Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld a WADA appeal to a FINA doping panel ruling that let him off for his part in tampering with a doping sample. At 28,the ban will end a tumultuous career that saw him become a megastar in China,a multiple Olympic champion but a pariah among his contemporaries.

On the face of it,their path to becoming adversaries seemed unlikely. Horton was only 20 at the Rio Games and prior to that,was seen as a mild-mannered,bespectacled Melbourne grammar school product who was on the path to becoming the nation's next freestyle distance hero.

Like Kieren Perkins and Grant Hackett before him,he wanted to make waves in the 1500m but would end up doing his best work over a distance some 1100m shorter,to the point where he would scratch the fabled 1500m altogether after Rio.

He appeared in Brazil as Sun's chief challenge in the 400m and the controversial and temperamental Chinese champion could sniff the threat. Perhaps thinking the inexperienced Horton was mentally frail,he splashed him in a training pool incident just days out from their race in Rio,hoping the confrontation would rattle Horton on the big stage.

How wrong he would end up being. Horton instead went on the front foot,emerging from the heats to lambast Sun as a"drug cheat",before beating him in the final that set the scene for an extraordinary series of actions and reactions over the coming days,weeks and years.

Horton's attack was spurred by a 2014 test in which Sun was found to have tested positive for trimetazidine,a stimulant he said he was taking for a heart condition. The drug had only recently been added to the WADA list of prohibited substances.

Instead of a two-year ban,Sun was banned by China's anti-doping agency for just three months,a period that was only announced after it had been served and just before another golden run at the 2014 Asian Games and Chinese national championships.

What Horton vocalised was the end product of years of suspicion about Sun,while there was also pent-up frustration surrounding his petulant behaviour in and around the pool deck.

Horton's comments were made amid a backdrop of increasing athlete anger at anti-doping authorities and FINA,swimming's governing body,which had long stood accused of being a bloated bureaucracy that gave Sun favourable treatment on account of his tens of millions of Chinese fans and sponsors.

Those fans would be let loose on Horton,smashing him on social media and trolling him relentlessly over the following years. They would rise again at last year's FINA World Championships in Gwangju,South Korea,when Horton chose actions,not words,to get his point across.

After finishing second to Sun in the 400m final,Horton refused to share a podium with the victor,a stance interpreted as sour grapes in some quarters but applauded by a huge proportion of his fellow athletes,who gave him a standing ovation when he returned to the Athletes'Village that night.

Others followed suit;Scotsman Duncan Scott did the same after the 200m freestyle final when he refused handshakes and the traditional photos. Meanwhile,the Horton pile-on from China was once again in full swing,while his family home in Melbourne was vandalised and he would lose sponsors spooked by the potential economic backlash.

All the while Sun's legal team was preparing for his Court of Arbitration for Sport hearing,in which WADA appealed a FINA decision to let him off with a warning after one of his entourage tampered with a blood sample by smashing it with a hammer.

Now that has been lost and Sun's career is in tatters,Horton can forge onwards to Tokyo,assuming the Games will carry on in the face of the coronavirus threat. Should he win the 400m again,he will go down as one of Australia's great Olympic swimmers.

Yet his legacy will always be linked to that of Sun,a now semi-tragic figure who will be revered as a sporting martyr in China regardless of the CAS ruling. Horton's reputation as an athlete leader in the fight for clean sport will forever be assured.

Phil Lutton is a sports reporter.

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