Aussie cricket scandal:Don't we know,anything (now) goes?

Producer and writer

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded

Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed

Everybody knows the war is over

Everybody knows the good guys lost

Everybody knows the fight was fixed

The poor stay poor,the rich get rich ... That's how it goes ... Everybody knows

I haven't been able to shake Leonard Cohen's 1988 classicEverybody Knows from my mind since news of Australia's ball-tampering scandal emerged and the reaction around the world from cricket fans,administrators,sponsors and politicians since.

Everybody knows what the Australians did was wrong but perhaps what they don't know is the fear and pressures not just our cricket team but professional sportspeople everywhere face now that so much money can be made from sport.

Saturday's embarrassing scenes at Newlands in South Africa was a reminder that the truth is often depressing,especially when it's so blatant it cuts deep.

It's why our politicians lie at every corner. It's also why we are so hurt by the Australian cricket team's actions ... because we didn't ever really expect to see it exposed so embarrassingly.

When cameras caught WA's Cameron Bancroft shoving evidence down his pants looking every bit a deer in the spotlight,cricket fans around Australia had a right to feel cheated by the sticky situation.

But everyone needs to calm down and take a chill pill.

Bancroft,captain Steve Smith and vice-captain Dave Warner deserve to be busted and they will.

But once you make a sport as lucrative as cricket has become,with the billions on offer for broadcasters and players of certain skills alike,don't expect it to be played in the spirit of anything.

Corporations have no heart and the sportsmen and women they pay so handsomely should not be made to feel like murderers when winning has become so integral to building careers and sustained success.

Cricket commentators,sponsors,administrators and former players seem to have a very short or select memory after Saturday's ball-tampering debacle came to light.

Our greatest ever bowler Shane Warne suggested Smith's position as captain was"untenable".

Does Warne not recall being banned for 12 months by the Australian Cricket Board in 2003 for taking a banned substance,which he blamed on his mum,and then sulking when Steve Waugh was elevated to the captaincy ahead of him?

Waugh himself on Tuesday afternoon said he was"deeply troubled"by the actions of Bancroft and the team.

This from the man who referred to sledging - now probably the ugliest element of international cricket - as"mental disintegration".

His brother Mark,who with Warne was fined by the ACB for giving illegal information to'John the Bookmaker'in 1994,is now a national selector.

I consider that day to be much darker for Australian cricket than Saturday,yet Waugh and Warne got off relatively scot-free,with little of the barrage of outrage aimed at the Australians from here and around the world.

Steve Smith and David Warner are at the centre of the ball-tampering saga but the outrage doesn't seem to match the offence.

Steve Smith and David Warner are at the centre of the ball-tampering saga but the outrage doesn't seem to match the offence.

Forget Bancroft,Warner and Smith,who have been sent home from South Africa and face uncertain futures,and even coach Darren Lehmann,whonow looks lucky to avoid the sack.

Let's look at the administrators. There was more than a hint of irony on Sunday when Bancroft,booed to the hilt upon walking to the wicket,was run out by Faf du Plessis,twice convicted of ball-tampering before being elevated to the South African captaincy.

Ball-tampering is a common offence in modern cricket,practiced by almost every Test team to gain an advantage,particularly to reverse swing the ball.

Australia's longest-serving captain Allan Border noted last weekend the act of altering the integrity of the ball has been a constant in cricket since he first played in the 1970s.

From Sachin Tendulkar,to Mike Atherton,to Shahid Afridi in a T20 international at the WACA (when he bit the seam of the ball like an apple),ball tampering is an old trick in the gentleman's game.

The outrage from Saturday's offence I believe stems from the fact our cricketers got caught on the live TV coverage. And then owned up to it so forthrightly.

Are we ashamed at the offence,or more at the embarrassment at the circumstances of it becoming so public?

If ball tampering triggered such widespread fury,why does cricket's governing body deem it only a level two offence,allowing twice-convicted players like du Plessis to not only continue playing without a ban,but be elevated to his national side's captaincy?

Everybody knows that you love me baby

Everybody knows that you really do

Everybody knows that you've been faithful

Ah,give or take a night or two

Everybody knows you've been discreet

But there were so many people you just had to meet

Without your clothes ... And everybody knows

Don't get me wrong,we should be very disappointed and angry at the Aussie ringleaders who conspired to tamper with the ball.

And there are simple solutions to eradicate it from the game,namely increasing the ICC's penalty from a fine to at least a one-year ban from international cricket,which Smith and Warner will likely now face from Cricket Australia,along with the loss of millions in sponsorships and IPL earnings.

But put the pitchforks down please people... there are not only more serious events around the world deserving of our fury,but we are dealing with young,error-prone men feeling the never-ending pressures to win in a world where sport has become much more than just that.

Mark Waugh and Shane Warne at a press conference where they admitted taking money from John the bookmaker in return for information.

Mark Waugh and Shane Warne at a press conference where they admitted taking money from John the bookmaker in return for information.Reuters

Whether it's the recent'Deflategate'in the NFL from the all-conquering New England Patriots,the systematic and secretive doping in world cycling,the increasing use of supplements in the AFL ... every professional in every sport around the world is pushing,bending,headbutting... doing whatever to the line to gain an edge.

Three sponsors heavily aligned with Australian cricket should also take a deep breath and look at themselves before convicting Smith and Co so quickly.

The Commonwealth Bank have asked for a full explanation. Theyhardly have a leg to stand on demanding that.

Sanitarium,who sponsors the team and Smith,push the line when it comes to dietary studies skewed to spruik the products they sell.

And Qantas CEO Alan Joyce called for Cricket Australia to"do the right thing". How much corporate tax did they pay last year? Oh,a big fat zero. Is that the spirit we expect from our national airline?

We should all be above these lines that every political party,every corporate industry,including sport,try not to cross but rarely do they not.

And on Saturday our beloved and cherished Australian cricket team got caught crossing it with their pants well and truly down. Let that be embarrassment enough.

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking

Everybody knows that the captain lied

Everybody got this broken feeling

Like their father or their dog just died

Everybody talking to their pockets

Everybody wants a box of chocolates

And a long-stem rose... Everybody knows

David Prestipino writes about sports and lifestyle for WAtoday.

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