Diamonds need to sharpen their focus against South Africa

It looked like a final. It felt like a final. Hell,it even smelt like a final.

But it was not a final.

When Australia met New Zealand in the last game of the preliminary rounds on Thursday night there was so much sting in the game you could have been forgiven for forgetting it was just a match-up to decide which team topped their pool.

Silver Ferns star Maria Folau missed a goal that would have tied the Aussie Diamonds at the Netball World Cup.

That’s not to take away from the importance of the match. In finishing top of the pool,Australia
avoid a semi-final against a red-hot England who steamrolled their way to the top of their pool with
an 11-goal demolition of South Africa.

It is rather to emphasise just how tough this World Cup will be to win. It is no longer a matter of
building gently towards an inevitable trans-Tasman final. Now it is a matter of bringing your A-
game early in the tournament and sustaining it against a number of teams.

For Australia to win the semi-final and then be a force in the final there are a few things they will
need to address from Thursday's game.

The first is the second-half fade-out. While they had the better start,the Diamonds lost the second
half by five goals against a team that was playing musical chairs with positional changes and by
rights should have been shut out of the contest at half-time when Australia had a six-goal lead.

Where the Diamonds had played short,sharp netball to combat the zone defence of the Silver Ferns
in the first half,in the second half they went cross-court too often,and the Ferns pounced.

The Diamonds had some crucial lapses in concentration that very nearly cost them the game. They will be better for the experience,but will need some strategies to keep them in the match mentally and focus on the process for the full 60 minutes.

Second,the Diamonds'wing-defence position is far from settled. It’s the position that tends to be
an afterthought in park netball,but is one of the most important at a World Cup.

When you think of the great World Cup-winning teams they all have had brilliant – and specialist – wing defenders.

From Simone McKinnis and Peta Scholz to Selina Gilsenan and Renae Ingles,Australia’s great World
Cup triumphs have been built on wing defenders doing the work to make their circle defenders look

Diamonds selectors identified this as an area of concern after the Commonwealth Games final last
year and have spent 18 months trying to rectify it and I am not sure they have come up with
the answer.

Silver Ferns shooter Maria Folau misses the game-tying shot in the final seconds as the Diamonds escape with a win

Jamie-Lee Price started and finished the game against New Zealand with Paige Hadley brought in for part of the match. While Hadley is an outstanding mid-court player and terrific ball winner,I am not sure she has the physical presence to dominate at wing defence in this tournament.

Courtney Bruce needs someone who will create enough havoc out front to give her space and time
to go for intercepts. Price was starting to build into that sort of game before the change was made.
She is the closest player the Diamonds have to a specialist wing defence and her ability to run out
the game will be crucial.

Finally the Diamonds coaching staff will need to decide whether they let the top line run the game
out in the big matches – and risk the second-half fade-out that we saw on Thursday – or make
changes at half-time and trust that the new players can bring it home.

I liked that Lisa Alexander opted for the former,to leave her charges out there even when the game
was in the balance to just figure it out. They would have learned plenty and will take those lessons
into the finals.

New Zealand's Bailey Mes and Australia's Courtney Bruce.

New Zealand's Bailey Mes and Australia's Courtney Bruce.PA

Having said that,it must have been tempting to give Gretel Tippett a run as an impact player in the
shooting circle. She is a terrific athlete who may just have the x-factor required to turn a big game in
Australia’s favour. Thursday’s game was a lost opportunity to see just what she could produce under

Australia will need a much-improved performance than the one they put out against New Zealand if
they are going to win the World Cup,but the good news is that they will have learned from that

That they need to press the advantage when they have it,to keep taking risks and to not
play conservatively and allow the opposition back into the game.

It sets us up for a mammoth,and fascinating,weekend of netball.

Liz Ellis is the most-capped Australian netball player in history.

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