Intense scrutiny off-court shouldn't diminish Folau's legacy on it

There's a distinctive sound to a Maria Folau goal.

When her trademark long bombs are on target,you hear a low clunk as the velocity of the ball rattles the goal,followed by the swish of the net. Those two sounds in harmony - an onomatopoeic representation of the power and gracefulness of Folau's shooting action - are among the most magical in international netball.

Always happy to interact with fans,Folau has been under a self-imposed media ban.

Always happy to interact with fans,Folau has been under a self-imposed media ban.Getty

I once asked Folau if she would talk me through the mechanics of her shot. Her eyes lit up.

For the next 10 minutes she broke down each element - her stance and body positioning. The placement of her hands. The smooth,sequential bending of the knees and elbow,followed by the flick of the wrist. The trajectory. The follow through.

Only when all these elements are executed to precision,do you get that sound. Clunk. Swish.

Folau's freakish ability to fire in long-range shots seemingly at will is often spoken about as a natural gift. Like she has some sort of innate radar. She doesn't.

That shot - the perfect blend of force and finesse - is the result of thousands of hours of practice and painstaking attention to detail from a player who takes pride in her craft like no other.

Sunday's final Constellation Cup Test in Perth may be our last chance to witness Folau's mastery of shooting's biomechanics. It is expected Folau,who will notch up her 150th Test cap in the series decider against Australia,will retire at season's end.

We can only speculate as to the star shooter's future because over the past season Folau has imposed a blanket media ban,having endured relentless scrutiny in the storm that swirled following her rugby-playing husband Israel's homophobic preachings on social media.

Once one of New Zealand's most marketable stars,Folau's silence over these incidents has been interpreted as tacit support for her husband's views and has undoubtedly - some argue unfairly - tarnished Maria.

The past 18 months,while harmful off the court,have gone a long way in resurrecting Folau's position among the true greats of New Zealand netball,having finally added a World Cup title to her CV and now an opportunity to claim a rare Constellation Cup series win.

Maria has been swept up at times in the controversy surrounding her husband.

Maria has been swept up at times in the controversy surrounding her husband.GoFundMe

As the Ferns'fortunes took a tumble in 2017 and 2018,so too did the stock of the players in the thick of those disastrous seasons. Despite Folau having carried the shooting end for years following the retirement of Irene van Dyk,many wondered whether her predictable turn-and-shoot approach was helping or hindering the team.

Under new coach Noeline Taurua,Folau has re-invented herself in the twilight of her career. It wasn't just the positional shift from goal attack back to goal shooter,but a new mindset of playing to everyone's strengths,rather than just her own.

You see it in the way Folau sets screens for shooting partner Ameliaranne Ekenasio,the change-up in her movement patterns to split the defence,and the greater variety she offers in her passing options. That same lethal shooting ability remains,but of late,she has been more calculated in her shot selection.

That trademark shooting action that has personified Folau's glittering career.

That trademark shooting action that has personified Folau's glittering career.Getty

Folau freely admits she doesn't really like the goal shooter position,and yet,according to Taurua,she is a natural there.

But perhaps Folau has always been a player of messy contradictions.

This is a player whose comfort zone lies in the outer edges of the circle. It's her playground - she dances and goose-steps her way around the fringes,collects the ball,then turns and confidently slots the long-range bomb with minimal fuss. Yet when she finds herself closer to the safety of the post,where most shooters don't dare venture away from,she suddenly looks less sure of herself.

She is a player that appears to glide around the netball court,as though she is putting in very little effort. Yet she is one of the fastest players in the team over 10 metres,with her floaty style masking a deceptive turn of pace.

A player that seems to lack self-awareness in post-match interviews,with her comments sometimes reading as arrogant or thoughtless. Yet when the cameras and microphones are off,she is genuine,down-to-earth and engaging. She will warmly embrace fans seeking autographs on the sideline and is the first to introduce herself to guests that come into Silver Ferns training,from board members to underprivileged children.

A player that gives the impression of being overly casual in her approach,yet clearly possesses extraordinary mental strength. It is evident in the way she coolly slots long-range goals in pressure-fuelled moments,famously sinking the winning goal in double overtime of the 2010 Commonwealth Games final. What we perhaps don't see are the mental challenges she has overcome off the court. Folau has been carrying chronic injuries since the 2014 season,having picked up a debilitating foot injury during the Glasgow Commonwealth Games. More recently it's been her right knee troubling her.

We might never truly know how broken her body is after 15 years of international netball as it appears Folau is intent on quietly slipping away from the sport with little fanfare. It would be a shame if that does prove to be the case. As difficult as it is to reconcile Folau's legacy in the face of the recent public fall-out,it is a worthwhile exercise.

When a young Maria Tutaia first stepped out into the international arena at 18 years of age,then-coach Ruth Aitken gushed that we were witnessing the emergence of a very special player.

Nearly 150 Tests later,the netballing world is still in awe of her abilities. Her legacy is one of consistent excellence,resilience and how far ruthless attention to detail can take you. And perhaps most importantly,her legacy is apparent in all the young Pasifika girls who have taken up netball since 2005 dreaming of being the"next Maria".


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