Master v master:the showdown that could decide netball crown

One of the key match-ups for the Super Netball grand final won’t take place on the court. Rather it will be on the sidelines,where the coaches sit,where a fascinating storyline will play out. Almost 20 years ago to the day,Saturday’s two opposing coaches were on the same team,making history by winning the Sydney Swifts’ first national league title.

In that match against the Adelaide Thunderbirds on August 31,2001,the Swifts won the club’s first premiership in front of a capacity crowd at the old State Sports Centre. The wing attack that day was Briony Akle,who played the game of her life to more than match legendary Diamonds wing defence Peta Squire to deliver plenty of possession into the Swifts’ goal circle.

The Swifts celebrate their national league win in 2001.

The Swifts celebrate their national league win in 2001.Getty Images

The head coach for the Swifts was none other than Julie Fitzgerald,who,having never played at the elite level,had to work her way through the coaching pathways the hard way,all the while doing it as a single mum to four kids,working two jobs to make ends meet and coaching for the love of it on nights and weekends. That first win was just reward for years of effort.

I still get goosebumps when I think about that game. After coming back from seven goals down in the semi-final to force extra time,and then snatch the win and the home grand final,no one gave us a chance to win. The Thunderbirds were our nemesis,and the general consensus was that we couldn’t beat them twice in a row,especially in such a big match. I still rate it as one of the most thrilling wins of my career,and the players who took the court in the yellow Swifts dress that day,along with our support staff,are still incredibly close.

Which is what makes this year’s Super Netball grand final that little bit more intriguing. Fast forward 20 years,Akle and Fitzgerald will both be there for the last match of the season. Rather than being on the same team as they were in 2001,this time they are going head to head for the title,Briony as head coach of the NSW Swifts and Julie as head coach of the Giants.

It’s unsurprising when you look a little closer. They are both coaches who are deeply invested in their team,and whose team wants to play for them. This sounds simple,but it is a remarkably difficult thing for a head coach to achieve.

Giants coach Julie Fitzgerald.

Giants coach Julie Fitzgerald.Getty Images

Julie and Briony achieve it by treating their players as people first and athletes second. They make it their business to know the parents and partner of each player. To have empathy for what’s happening in their lives and understanding,rather than resenting,when life intrudes into netball. They are mothers to four children each,which has meant that neither can afford to be entirely consumed by their jobs. They both have things outside of the sport that gives them a healthy dose of reality.

Both have developed strong family cultures within their clubs,which has been built on including their own families in their work. Julie’s kids and now grandkids are deeply invested in what she does,and it isn’t unusual to see them all at a match,dressed in orange and grey,cheering for “Granny Jules”. Similarly with Briony,whose husband Sarkis packed the kids up and followed Briony to last year’s hub,offering home cooked meals and haircuts to his wife’s team.

That’s not to say that everything is sunshine and roses. They are both intensely competitive,and especially in the case of Julie,there is an impressive ruthlessness that has allowed her to survive and thrive for so long.

Yet they are both different. Julie’s approach is very much to empower her players to develop and own the game plan. She trusts them to deliver it on court,gives her players room to find their own way. She isn’t intimidated by strong-willed players and actively encourages her players to have input into what’s going on. As a result her team plays on instinct,with little structure and pattern,which makes them difficult to play against.

Swifts coach Briony Akle.

Swifts coach Briony Akle.Getty Images

Briony is far more strategic in her approach,providing her team with more structure and guidance to the type of game she wants to see them play. Briony coaches how she played. She was not a superstar athlete,nor was she flashy. She was,however,gifted with netball smarts,and used them to dismantle more-fancied opponents. The Swifts reflect that. They are well drilled in attack,they play a smothering defence and are ruthless in dictating tempo in games and maintaining possession for long periods. In short,they are hard to pull apart.

There is no doubt that Briony and Julie share a unique relationship. And yet it is too simplistic to label this grand final as “master versus apprentice”,for while Julie is no doubt a master,Briony is no longer an apprentice. Of the two,Briony is the only one to win a Suncorp Super Netball title. She did this with the Swifts’ surprise win in 2019,in just her second season as coach,thereby cementing her name in Super Netball history.

This match is better thought of as “master versus master”. Two coaches who have masterfully steered their respective teams through four interstate moves,weeks of quarantine and disruption to arrive here as the last two teams standing in this most brutal and unpredictable of seasons.

Liz Ellis is the most-capped Australian netball player in history.

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