No winners in de Belin situation – but even so,stand-down rule must stay

Chief Sports Writer

For three weeks,Jack de Belin rolled out of bed at his home on the NSW south coast around 4am,drove to the nearest train station and caught the next service to Sydney.

For much of the journey,he sat in silence,reading a book,raising his head occasionally whenever someone recognised him.

NRL player Jack De Belin and Callan Sinclair have been found not guilty of one sexual assault charge.

When he arrived in Sydney,he headed to the gym. Then,after an intense session,he showered,changed into a suit and tie and walked through the phalanx of cameramen and reporters outside and into the Downing Centre.

At the end of each day’s court proceedings,he stood on the platform at Central Station,shoulder to shoulder with the public,and caught the train back home.

When de Belin was charged with raping a 19-year-old woman in December 2018,few could have predicted the St George Illawarra forward would still be making this solemn trip after all this time.

Jack de Belin leaves court after he was found not guilty of one charge.

Jack de Belin leaves court after he was found not guilty of one charge.Steven Siewert

Maybe those familiar with the vagaries of the court system,but not the average rugby league fan. Certainly not the ARL Commission,especially its then chairman Peter Beattie,who pushed through the controversial no-fault stand-down policy that has prevented de Belin and others who have faced serious criminal charges from taking the field.

De Belin faces the prospect of a third trial after a jury on Monday found him not guilty of one charge of sexual assault but was unable to reach a verdict on another five.

It is the second time a jury has been discharged over the matter involving de Belin and his co-accused,Shellharbour Sharks player Callan Sinclair,after a trial late last year ended in a hung jury. Judge Nicole Noman has stood over the case until May 28.

Whether or not the Director of Public Prosecutions pursues a third trial,which is rare,remains to be seen. Every barrister,solicitor and legal expert you speak to seems to have a different position,a different theory.

It serves nobody to speculate on how it will play out from here,but there’s no dispute the mere thought of the de Belin case extending into a third year again brings the NRL’s no-fault stand-down rule into sharp focus.

Under the NRL’s policy,players charged with serious criminal offences with a maximum jail term of 11 years or more are automatically suspended until the charges are dropped.

Some argue,in light of Monday’s events,that the rule needs to be amended with a threshold brought in. If the matter isn’t resolved in,say,a year,let the accused play.

The NRL isn’t having a bar of it. How could it? Why would it?

De Belin challenged the rule in the Federal Court in 2019 but the judge overwhelmingly found in the NRL’s favour. Then the Rugby League Players Association tried to take it on,claiming it wasn’t properly consulted,only for an independent arbiter to also rule the NRL’s way.

Doubtless,the rule is harsh.

The commission was looking for a swift solution to mounting issues around player behaviour,but the NSW justice system is often slow and cumbersome.

Yes,the COVID-19 crisis has slowed the process. So,too,the attempt of de Belin’s legal team to have the charges thrown out on a technicality. But those with experience of sexual assault cases tell you these very complex and sensitive matters can drag on for years.

Despite this,Beattie ran a media campaign to get the rule over the line like he wanted to be Queensland Premier again,tweeting endlessly about the issue and speaking to every reporter who needed a quote.

“If I was chairman of the NRL,which I am,and I was involved in a matter like this,which I wouldn’t be,but if I was,I would stand down,” he told Channel Ten in one infamous interview.

Several commissioners privately had misgivings about the rule but ultimately supported Beattie.

Despite its limitations,and the way Beattie conducted himself during that period,I agree with the rule,even if it is covered in barnacles.

Since he was charged,de Belin has received every cent of his contract up until the end of October last year.

He signed a new deal with the ever-faithful Dragons on the condition the charges are dropped. It’s said to be about $2.8 million over four years. In the meantime,he’s receiving about $1000 a week.

He’s also been allowed to train with the NRL and NSW Cup sides and has been offered welfare by the NRL.

In many other professions,de Belin would have been stood down without pay.

But consider the alternative if he had been allowed to play,running out for the Dragons every week for the past two-and-a-half seasons to a chorus of competing cheers and boos;the countless debates about whether he should be selected for NSW and Australia;the focus of almost every match seen through the prism of the serious charges hanging over his head.

That’s a burden the club,the game and the person forgotten by many in all this — the alleged victim — doesn’t deserve to bear.

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Andrew Webster is Chief Sports Writer of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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