VAR use only for'clear and obvious'offside errors,say rulemakers

Football's global rulemaker,the International Football Association Board (IFAB),has given its clearest indication yet that it will update guidance on the use of video assistant referees (VAR) so that only"clear and obvious"offside mistakes are overruled.

It follows another outcry last weekend at how VAR is being used in the English Premier League,with the most marginal offside decisions being analysed using several camera angles,and goals controversially ruled out for Wolverhampton Wanderers,Crystal Palace,Norwich City,Brighton and Sheffield United.

A VAR check takes place during a Premier League game.

A VAR check takes place during a Premier League game.Getty Images

UEFA is also now firmly behind a push to eradicate marginal VAR offsides from next season amid particular concern that the fractional decisions are themselves based on questionable calculations.

Lukas Brud,the general secretary of IFAB,said on Monday that his organisation would reissue guidance on VAR best practice next season - probably after its annual meeting at the end of February - which would include specific information on offsides.

That advice is expected to be that technology cannot definitively make a ruling on offside as it can over whether a shot has crossed the goal line,and that VAR should therefore be used only to correct"clear and obvious"mistakes."Clear and obvious still remains - it's an important principle,"said Brud.

"If you spend multiple minutes trying to identify whether it is offside or not,then it's not clear and obvious. In theory,one millimetre offside is offside,but if a decision is taken that a player is not offside,and the VAR is trying to identify through looking at five,six,seven,10,12 cameras whether or not it was offside,then the original decision should stand.

"If something is not clear on the first sight,it's not obvious and shouldn't be considered. Looking at one camera angle is one thing,but looking at 15,trying to find something that was potentially not even there,this was not the idea of the VAR principle. It should be clear and obvious."

The Premier League is adamant it is correctly and consistently applying VAR in conjunction with IFAB's"Laws of the Game",which do not make specific allowances for offside decisions being"clear and obvious". The Premier League also has no plans to alter how VAR is checking offside decisions.

IFAB has also stressed that next year's guidance will be a routine update,not linked to events in England last weekend.

The stated guiding principle for VAR is that it should only assist the referee"in the event of a clear and obvious error"or"serious missed incident".

However,in then explaining the practical application of VAR,IFAB's guidance does list a series of"factual"scenarios,including offside,whether a player has been fouled inside the penalty area or if the ball is out of play,and says that only a VAR,rather than an on-field,review is generally needed.

UEFA's attempt to have this changed,so that offsides are subjected to the"clear and obvious"principle rather than be seen as a binary and factual call,is understood to have the support of the Football Association and the other British football associations.

Manchester City's Raheem Sterling and Liverpool's Roberto Firmino are among the other players to have had goals ruled out this season because of what has been called the"armpit principle"of VAR,where goals are ruled out by millimetres even despite doubts over the accuracy of the technology. Aleksander Ceferin,the UEFA president,has argued for flexibility that provides"a tolerance that reflects the margin for error in the system".

A proposal that would mean the VAR protocol is worded differently could then be made ahead of the IFAB meeting in February,although any proposal would also require the backing of FIFA,where Arsene Wenger,the new chief of global football development,will have an influential say.

Wolves captain Conor Coady said that it had been"horrible ... tough to take"when his team's equaliser was ruled out against Liverpool on Sunday. City manager Pep Guardiola has described VAR as"a big mess"and said that he hoped it could do better next season.

Crystal Palace manager Roy Hodgson likened the VAR offside technology to a speed camera without any margin for error when you might be recorded going slightly over the limit but in fact be driving marginally slower.

The Telegraph,London

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