Sun Yang doping case to be heard in public in bid to clear his name

A case in which China's multiple world and Olympic swimming champion Sun Yang is accused of anti-doping violations will be held in public,the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has revealed.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has appealed to CAS against a decision by swimming's governing body FINA to clear Sun of wrongdoing during a random drug test last September.

Sun Yang wants the media to have access to the full details of the trial.

Sun Yang wants the media to have access to the full details of the trial.AP

Documents leaked to the media have revealed that Sun questioned the credentials of the testers before members of his entourage smashed the vials containing his blood samples with a hammer. The 27-year-old has denied any wrongdoing.

Sun competed at last month's world championships in South Korea under the shadow of the WADA appeal and three rivals snubbed him after races,by either refusing to shake his hand or join him on the podium.

Sun's lawyers said last month that he wanted a public hearing to clear his name.

He served a three-month doping suspension in 2014 for taking the stimulant trimetazidine,which he said he took to treat a heart condition. The substance had been banned a few months before Sun failed the test.

A second doping violation would inevitably bring a harsher sanction and could rule him out of next year's Tokyo Olympics.

CAS said that it would be only the second case in its history to be held in public – the previous in 1999 also involved FINA.

"At the parties'request,the hearing,which will likely take place in Switzerland,will be open to the public[including the media],"said CAS in a statement.


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