Lib MP and gay rights backer says Margaret Court's name should stay on arena

Prominent Liberal MP and gay marriage advocate Tim Wilson is opposed to the proposed removal of tennis great Margaret Court's name from the stadium at Melbourne Park,calling such a step"too 1984"for his liking.

Wilson,a former Human Rights Commissioner and the Liberal member for Goldstein,was opposed to the suggestion – by tennis greats John McEnroe and Martina Navratilova – that Court's name be removed from the arena because of Court's repeated,homophobic public statements.

John McEnroe and Martina Navratilova with a banner to protest for the renaming of Margaret Court Arena.

John McEnroe and Martina Navratilova with a banner to protest for the renaming of Margaret Court Arena.Supplied

McEnroe and Navratilova said it should be re-named after Indigenous Australian tennis champion,Evonne Goolagong,holding up a banner at Melbourne Park on Tuesday in a protest.

"If you believe in a society of pluralism and diversity you have to accept people will have different views on morality,"said Wilson,who is gay and married his long-time partner shortly after the passage of the gay marriage legislation in Federal Parliament.

"I have regard for Margaret Court,John McEnroe and Martina Navratilova's sporting prowess,but it doesn't extend to their opinions.

"Airbrushing people's legacy for expressing cultural dissent is too'1984'for my liking,"Wilson added,a reference to the totalitarian dystopia of George Orwell's novel.

While the Goldstein MP was one of the main drivers of the"yes"vote in the gay marriage postal vote and of making gay marriage legal,he also has been strong in defending freedom of expression,even when it is unpopular.

McEnroe and Navratilova held up a banner with rainbow-coloured writing that read"Evonne Goolagong Arena"following a legends match on Tuesday,in what was a statement of their wish that Margaret Court Arena – the second main stadium at Melbourne Park– be re-named.

Tennis Australia admonished McEnroe and Navratilova for brandishing their banner on court,saying that there were regulations in place to"ensure the integrity of our event".

"We embrace diversity,inclusion and the right for people to have a view,as well as their right to voice that view,"TA said in a statement."But the Australian Open has regulations and protocols with respect to how any fan,player or guest can use our facility,the event and the global stage it provides. This is to ensure the integrity of our event.

Unbelievable comebacks,odd requests and Federer losing his cool are the some of the highlights from an eventful Day Nine at the Australian Open.

"Two high-profile guests have breached these protocols and we are working through this with them."

In a video for EuroSport,McEnroe said Tennis Australia faced a dilemma over how to deal with their"crazy aunt."Navratilova wrote on that Court was"not on the right side of history".

In an interview with BBC Sport about the banner protest,Navratilova said she wanted to"push the conversation forward".

"I thought Tennis Australia would do something – or the government of Victoria,as apparently they are the ones that make the decision – but nothing has happened. And Margaret keeps doubling down in basically attacking the gay and lesbian community.

"My wife Julia said you're complaining about it,but what are you going to do?

"And I'm like,I've done everything I can do. I've written a letter,I've been very vocal,and then when I landed here,and I came to the courts,I had this idea,"Navratilova said.

"I stopped in an art shop and got a canvas and some coloured pens and started colouring'Evonne Goolagong Arena'in the aboriginal version – a very amateur version of aboriginal art – as an honour to Evonne Goolagong and where she came from.

"John,I ran into him,and on the spur of the moment I asked him because he also talked about renaming the arena. He's been very supportive of social change in tennis,so it was perfect.

"I wanted to be respectful,but most of all I just wanted to push the conversation forward again. I have no doubt it's the right thing to do."

Jake Niall is a Walkley award-winning sports journalist and chief AFL writer for The Age.

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