Australia’s Patrick Tiernan and Kenyan athlete Rhonex Kipruto before the race.Credit:Getty Images
Buried in the pack ran a lone Aussie – Patrick Tiernan – lean,lanky,bearded. He wouldn’t look out of place in an Aussie pub but he was keeping pace with the top runners of the world.
The final lap approached,the leaders quickened their stride. The finish line was in sight,then – drama! –Tiernan staggers and collapses in the final straight.
It’s gut-wrenching viewing to see this world-class athlete who has pushed himself to the limit and had his body betray him. For a moment we see an Olympic champion as a mere human like the rest of us,who has been conquered by the brutal reality of flesh and muscle.
But he doesn’t give up. Exhausted,dehydrated,Tiernan drags himself to his feet and forces his unwilling body to stagger across the finish line.
Judging by the outpouring of support for Tiernan after the race,our Olympic wins may swell our patriotic hearts,but these moments of pure endurance and courage unlock something deeper in our psyche.
It’s a classic underdog story with the high stakes of the Olympics thrown in for good measure.