'What can I say?'Lowy left speechless

Australia suffered a humiliating result in the 2022 World Cup count,crashing out in the opening round in Zurich after receiving only one vote.

The Australian team had entered the final day full of confidence in securing the world's biggest sporting event only to come away bitterly disappointed.

Bitterly disappointed ... Frank Lowy.

Bitterly disappointed ... Frank Lowy.AFP

From the 22 votes on offer,Australia received only a single ballot and not even the missing Oceania vote could have pushed the nation into the second round.

Cash-rich Qatar defied a damning evaluation report from FIFA on the oppressive heat in June and July in the tiny nation to capture the 2022 tournament.

Qatar was cleared last month in a FIFA investigation into claims of vote swapping with failed 2018 co-bidders Spain and Portugal.

In the fourth round of the 2022 vote,Qatar held off the US by 14 votes to eight to become the first Middle Eastern nation to host the World Cup.

Australian bid chief Frank Lowy said he was shattered and that was before the votes were made public.

"Australia,what can I say? I can only say that I am bitterly disappointed,"he said.

"I am disappointed for you that we could not deliver the 2022 World Cup,but what can you do?

"We did our best and I know we could not have done anything better."

The billionaire has made it his personal quest to bring the World Cup to Australia and promised to keep fighting for the sport.

"The sun is coming up tomorrow morning,"he said.

"Australia is there waiting for us,there is a great future for Australia and it is a great future of our game except we lost a bit of turbo charge.

"We have to make up for it. I am not a man to lie down. This battle has been lost[but] there are many,many more battles to win."

The result is a setback for the game in Australia,even if FIFA's history of corruption and the voting process are certain to come under heavy scrutiny in the coming days.

England (two votes) were bundled out in the opening round of the 2018 race won by Russia and it is unlikely its press will take their poor result too lightly.

In Australia,the AFL,NRL and Australian Rugby Union will be doing their best not to delight too much in the verdict in Switzerland.

In the lead-up to the vote,the 80-year-old Lowy said he did not expect to be around to watch Australia host a World Cup if it missed out today.

In fact,there might not be many of us around to see the quadrennial event in Australia.

With the event rotated between Europe,the Americas and Africa,it is Asia's turn only every third World Cup at best.

By that calculation,the next genuine shot for Australia may be for the 2034 or 2038 editions. By then the likes of China,Japan and South Korea - and,who knows,even India - could all have great cases.


It is not going to get easier.


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