Tasmanian outage a reminder that internet networks are fragile

Tasmania’s total internet outage this week is a stark reminder that,even though we take connectivity for granted,it’s made possible only by a network of hardware that can and does fail.

In this case,physical damage to Telstra-operated undersea cables knocked out the internet for six hours. In addition to Tasmanians being unable to use the internet on their phones and computers,the issue also affected ATMs and EFTPOS machines,flights in and out of the state,TV and radio stations as well as any smart devices reliant on Wi-Fi or mobile internet.

An internet outage can have a much broader impact than taking out social media.

An internet outage can have a much broader impact than taking out social media.AP

A Telstra spokesperson said the issue was due to a “very rare” occurrence,in which two cables were damaged at the same time.

“Our network across the Bass Strait is configured with multiple redundancies[back-ups],with the two main links providing back-up for each other,and a third smaller link being available for priority traffic,such as triple zero and voice calls,” they said.

“One cable was damaged by civil construction work in Melbourne’s south-east just before lunchtime,while the other cable was damaged by roadworks in Tasmania’s north-west a couple of hours later. Importantly,voice calls and triple zero calls could continue to be made on the third,smaller link.”

Service was restored after one of the cables was repaired at around 7pm on Tuesday,according to Telstra. The spokesperson confirmed the second cable was repaired overnight,restoring the back-up.

The Telstra spokesperson declined to comment on whether additional cables would be considered as extra back-ups,saying that the best way to prevent the issue occurring again was for companies to make sure they didn’t accidentally cut cables,by contacting Dial Before You Dig.

But while this issue was relatively brief and the result of a freak occurrence,telecommunications infrastructure is increasingly as important as power or water supply to people’s homes. We all depend on connectivity to work,study,shop,access our money,be entertained and keep tabs on family. These disruptions can also delay mail and grocery deliveries getting through,and use of the internet for everything from door locks to air conditioning is only getting more common.

RMIT professor Matthew Warren,who researches critical infrastructure protection and cybersecurity,said the issue highlighted how reliant we are on communications networks,and how vulnerable they can be.

“In many cases,when we talk about critical infrastructure,the focus is always on cyberattacks. But the reality is that physical damage to critical infrastructure happens more often,and has a greater impact,” he said.

“It will be another interesting case study that really highlights our dependency on this critical infrastructure,and also highlights how fragile it is.”

In fact,major issues caused by cable damage crop up every couple of years.

In 2005,a rat chewed through a cable in New Zealand and plunged much of the country into a day-long internet outage. Then in 2008,a cut Optus cable at the Gold Coast resulted in a hours-long phone and internet outage for a large chunk of the eastern coast. A fire at a Telstra exchange in Warrnambool,in 2012,knocked out phone and internet services for weeks. And in 2015 damage to an undersea power cable in the Bass Strait sparked a drawn out and costly power crisis for Tasmania.

But despite the known risks,there’s a limit to how much redundancy corporations will build into these systems,Professor Warren said.

“Businesses own this infrastructure,and businesses make business decisions,” he said.

“Building so much physical resilience into critical infrastructure is extremely expensive. It’s therefore very hard to put in a business case for something that may happen once in 100 years. But when it does happen,it has a dramatic impact.”

Professor Warren added that this is part of the reason companies are so much more vocal about cybersecurity and software protections than they are about hardware infrastructure.

“Protecting the cyber aspects of critical infrastructure is actually a lot easier and doesn’t cost as much.”

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Tim Biggs is a writer covering consumer technology,gadgets and video games.

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