This parliament’s final months has taught us at least one thing:the major parties want the October election to be a contest of ideas. Here’s what’s on offer so far.
But the Greens have accused Labor of “self-sabotage”,saying it is unwilling to negotiate on stalled housing policies.
Hopeful home buyers don’t have to give up proximity to the city to buy something for less than Melbourne’s median house price.
Developers and financiers are apprehensive about starting projects,with pre-sales extremely slow and projects for the most part financially unfeasible.
The fresh waiting list figures come as the state opposition has accused the Allan government of trying to make its data look better by changing the way it is reported.
The average NSW home value hit $1.22 million in June,with Victoria the only state where values went backwards.
It went for $100,000 more than the asking price that made it Perth’s cheapest standalone property – but even the inflated price is well below the “new normal”.
After almost eight years in power,this government has got lazy,unimaginative,crass and ever-ready to use taxpayer dollars to grab happy headlines and votes.
The WA community services sector has come out swinging ahead of the state election saying the state has it in its power to act now on people’s suffering.
Melbourne property values fell while Sydney’s rose less than inflation,according to fresh data,as the Greens push for a new renters’ advocate and the Liberals threaten to make housing a condition of federal funding.
The Allan government will also give owners corporations stronger powers to limit or ban short-stay accommodation after negotiations with the crossbench.