The departing Inspector-General of Taxation says his office needs a"significant"boost to its resourcing and profile,and calls for increased oversight of the ATO.
Staff-based performance targets aimed at pushing tax officers to collect revenue is causing the ATO to lack a fair approach to small business
Inspector-General of Taxation Ali Noroozi says it's inevitable that a second new ATO commissioner will be appointed to hear taxpayers'appeals.
The government and opposition have moved swiftly to address allegations of heavy-handed treatment of small business and individuals.
An investigation has found the ATO can get it wrong in one in 20 cases.
Uber drivers caught by a GST ruling are among those complaining about the tax office's treatment of workers in the sharing economy.
Australians could have their credit rating trashed unless there are proper safeguards in place,says the Inspector-General of Taxation Ali Noroozi.
Moves afoot for the ATO to disclose tax debt information to credit reporting agencies have raised fears it cause a tougher approach towards small business.