APRA loosens curbs on bank dividends,but caps payouts

APRA loosens curbs on bank dividends,but caps payouts

The financial regulator has given hard-hit investors who rely on bank dividends a reprieve,but it still wants banks to retain at least half their profits.

  • byClancy Yeates


Three million Australians cut spending as virus recession hits income

Three million Australians cut spending as virus recession hits income

A survey by the ABS revealed the pandemic's economic impact will last longer,with many households unwilling to return to their pre-virus spending ways.

  • byShane Wright
Is your portfolio too heavily weighted to bank shares?
Big four

Is your portfolio too heavily weighted to bank shares?

The dividend party for the Big Four appears over as their profitability and outlook are seen as in decline.

  • byArian Neiron
Time to check your super fund returns

Time to check your super fund returns

The prudential regulator says some superannuation funds are facing sustainability challenges and should shape up or move out of the industry.

  • byJohn Collett
ASIC contradicts key claims by embattled ME Bank

ASIC contradicts key claims by embattled ME Bank

A letter from ASIC's chair has revealed the regulator's concerns about ME Bank's strategy over its controversial redraw policy change were dismissed,prompting Liberal MP Tim Wilson to question the chief's future at the bank.

  • byCharlotte Grieve
Super funds lose access to matching feature over fraud fears

Super funds lose access to matching feature over fraud fears

Superannuation funds have had their access to SuperMatch suspended over concerns about fraud.

  • byJennifer Duke andCharlotte Grieve
'Lift your game or go':APRA ups pressure on super funds to merge

'Lift your game or go':APRA ups pressure on super funds to merge

'Lift your game or exit the industry'is the message from the prudential regulator.

  • byCharlotte Grieve
Superannuation sector posts worst quarter on record

Superannuation sector posts worst quarter on record

The sector's total assets shrunk by $200 billion and members lost over 10 per cent in savings over the March quarter as COVID rattled global financial markets.

  • byCharlotte Grieve
Insurers back plan for private health plans to cover kids up to age 30

Insurers back plan for private health plans to cover kids up to age 30

The government is considering a proposal to allow young Australians to stay on their parents'health insurance plans until the age of 30.

  • byDana McCauley
COVID-19 could revamp superannuation advice model

COVID-19 could revamp superannuation advice model

The scene has been set for some big changes in the way Australians receive high-quality,detailed financial advice.

  • byCharlotte Grieve
Almost 10,000 Australians drop private health insurance during pandemic

Almost 10,000 Australians drop private health insurance during pandemic

The drop in membership cost health funds $100 million in premiums,but experts predict even sharper falls in private health membership.

  • byDana McCauley