Banks prepare for lending restrictions as investors dive into market

Banks prepare for lending restrictions as investors dive into market

As new data shows property prices are rising at their fastest rate in more than 30 years,banks are preparing for lending restrictions before the end of the year.

  • byShane Wright andJennifer Duke


‘Bad idea’:Experts warn property market intervention will push out young buyers

‘Bad idea’:Experts warn property market intervention will push out young buyers

First home buyers and low-income earners will find it even more difficult to buy into the Sydney and Melbourne property markets if regulators intervene,experts warn.

  • byJennifer Duke
Regulators poised to intervene in Sydney,Melbourne property boom

Regulators poised to intervene in Sydney,Melbourne property boom

Sydney and Melbourne home buyers face tougher lending standards within months as house prices in the two largest Australian cities rise hundreds of dollars every day.

  • byJennifer Duke andShane Wright
IMF calls on regulators to rein in booming Sydney,Melbourne house prices

IMF calls on regulators to rein in booming Sydney,Melbourne house prices

Australian regulators have been urged to cool the booming housing market,with the IMF warning a property price correction would pose a significant risk to the nation’s economic stability.

  • byShane Wright andJennifer Duke
Financial markets are preparing for climate change and so must we

Financial markets are preparing for climate change and so must we

Climate change and its impacts are not going away,Australia can’t run the risk of markets assuming we are not transitioning to a lower-emissions future,writes Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

  • byJosh Frydenberg
Super fund regulator’s big tick not all it seems

Super fund regulator’s big tick not all it seems

Super fund members in funds that received a “pass” from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority still need to check how their fund compares to others.

  • byJohn Collett
Will APRA’s test help or harm the $3.3 trillion super system?

Will APRA’s test help or harm the $3.3 trillion super system?

The performance test is the latest tool in the federal government’s arsenal to stamp out under-performing funds from the lucrative superannuation sector. But some are convinced it’s a blunt tool that may do more harm than good.

  • byCharlotte Grieve
Unlucky 13:Australia’s worst-performing super funds named

Unlucky 13:Australia’s worst-performing super funds named

Thirteen superannuation funds have failed the federal government’s performance test designed to name and shame underperformers,including offerings from the Commonwealth Bank and Westpac’s BT.

  • byCharlotte Grieve
Top scientist says APRA climate risk guidance ‘flawed’

Top scientist says APRA climate risk guidance ‘flawed’

Documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws show Professor Andrew Pitman AO has warned the prudential regulator its guidance for protecting companies against climate change is at odds with available climate science.

  • byCharlotte Grieve
Regulator’s verdict on super funds to spark major shake-up

Regulator’s verdict on super funds to spark major shake-up

APRA’s performance test of super funds will heap pressure on underperforming funds to merge with better performers.

  • byJohn Collett
Global warming is too ‘wicked’ to just muddle our way through

Global warming is too ‘wicked’ to just muddle our way through

We need to act on the precautionary principle of significantly reducing emissions now,so we never get to find out how bad it could be.

  • byRoss Gittins