Wealthy Baby Boomers should pay more for aged care,major providers say

Wealthy Baby Boomers should pay more for aged care,major providers say

Australians need to ask whether it’s fair that someone in a $10m mansion pays the same for aged care as someone with a modest home in the suburbs.

  • byNatassia Chrysanthos


Not all Baby Boomers:don’t give us all the blame

Not all Baby Boomers:don’t give us all the blame

Only certain people accessed free university in the 1970s,contrary to popular belief.

‘Offensively regressive’:Berejiklian and Maguire case no tragic love story

‘Offensively regressive’:Berejiklian and Maguire case no tragic love story

In terms of public representation of women,this sorry episode is a sad step backwards.

You have to hand it to Boomers,they’ve won the economic generation game

You have to hand it to Boomers,they’ve won the economic generation game

To expect their less-well-off descendants to fund their continued privilege is,well,a bit rich.

  • byAntoinette Lattouf
Coalition could lose 35 seats as Millennials,Gen Z reshape politics

Coalition could lose 35 seats as Millennials,Gen Z reshape politics

Young Australians are not embracing conservative politics as they age like previous generations did,prompting Liberal MPs to urge the party to transform.

  • byJames Massola andPaul Sakkal
Sledging Boomers is a neat way of dismissing achievement

Sledging Boomers is a neat way of dismissing achievement

The view that Boomers somehow owe the state is frankly so misguided as to be deeply unsettling.

  • byChristopher Bantick
The ABC we love is world-class,and it’s the ABC we deserve

The ABC we love is world-class,and it’s the ABC we deserve

We want the ABC to be a true alternative to other media,one that celebrates our country and invests in the truth. We don’t want a $2 shop version.

We all get older but does anyone ever fully ‘grow up’?

We all get older but does anyone ever fully ‘grow up’?

Turns out there is no magic finish line at which we finally attain peak adulthood.

  • byKerri Sackville
‘We don’t just wither away and die’:A new era of influencers

‘We don’t just wither away and die’:A new era of influencers

Meet the Old Gays and other mature content creators who are about to take over your feed.

  • byNell Geraets
OK Boomer,face it,you’re now a senior

OK Boomer,face it,you’re now a senior

When international students offer you a seat on a tram it comes home to you. Forget vanity creep,you’re regarded as,well,old.

  • byChristopher Bantick
‘Whack it like Fonzie’ and other things kids these days don’t get

‘Whack it like Fonzie’ and other things kids these days don’t get

And what about Jan? No one knows who she is,let alone what the Yellow Pages are.

  • byRichard Glover