What Millennials value more than Boomers

What Millennials value more than Boomers

New research found Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation put more weight on traditional values,while Gen Y and Z were more likely to value creativity,innovation,entrepreneurship,achievement and intellectualism.

  • byCaitlin Fitzsimmons


OK,Boomers,move aside for the Millennials’ reign

OK,Boomers,move aside for the Millennials’ reign

The 2021 census shows that for the first time the Baby Boomer proportion of the population and the Millennial proportion are equal.

  • byShane Wright,Carla Jaeger andAngus Thomson
Gen Z warned on internet dangers,but it’s older users oversharing

Gen Z warned on internet dangers,but it’s older users oversharing

Everyone and their grandma is now on the internet,but those stern privacy warnings about the dangers of the internet seem to be forgotten.

  • byAbbir Dib
‘Most flattering way to age well’:A midlife man’s guide to a glow-up

‘Most flattering way to age well’:A midlife man’s guide to a glow-up

Sir Kenneth Branagh’s appearance at the BAFTAs proves a fresh face,great haircut and a sharp look go a long way – here’s how you can follow suit.

  • byStephen Doig
Millennials,Gen X are using their money to change the world

Millennials,Gen X are using their money to change the world

Animal cruelty and human rights are moving higher on the radar of younger investors,but ethical investment providers are not keeping up with what investors want.

  • byJohn Collett
Aussies ramp up home security,but one in five still don’t lock doors

Aussies ramp up home security,but one in five still don’t lock doors

Australian households are ramping up their home security,but some are still skipping the basics to safeguard their property,a new survey shows.

  • byKate Burke
Sex after 70:Why you’re never too old to get it on

Sex after 70:Why you’re never too old to get it on

Past enjoying a bit of hanky panky in your twilight years? Don’t bet on it.

  • byMaggie Jones
Bigwigs by day,rock musicians by night:the rise of the ‘dad band’

Bigwigs by day,rock musicians by night:the rise of the ‘dad band’

They’re captains of industry and academic luminaries by day. By night,they’ve returned to what they loved before their careers got in the way:making music.

  • byMadonna King
‘Goalposts have changed’:Lending clampdown cuts home buyers’ budgets

‘Goalposts have changed’:Lending clampdown cuts home buyers’ budgets

Property prices are sky-high,but many people will find it harder to buy as a lending clampdown cuts their borrowing capacity by as much as 15 per cent.

  • byElizabeth Redman
Two minutes with Danny Katz:how to avoid reading a rello’s self-published book

Two minutes with Danny Katz:how to avoid reading a rello’s self-published book

If retirees and relatives have given you copies for their self-published memoirs,just do a quicky-flicky-scan in case it comes up in conversation.

  • byDanny Katz
‘I don’t need money,I don’t need sperm ... It’s very liberating’

‘I don’t need money,I don’t need sperm ... It’s very liberating’

Some swear off romance once they hit a certain age. For others,however,finding new love in their 50s,60s and beyond is glorious – and gloriously cliché-busting.

  • byFenella Souter