Tony Abbott is gone,and he will never be forgotten

Tony Abbott is gone,and he will never be forgotten

Climate change undoubtedly lost the former prime minister his political career.

  • byJacqueline Maley


Tony Abbott under fire for refusing to retire before Warringah defeat

Tony Abbott under fire for refusing to retire before Warringah defeat

Colleagues say the former Liberal Party leader could be to blame if the Coalition is forced into minority government.

  • byJacqueline Maley
Steggall optimistic about climate collaboration with Abbott'handbrake'gone

Steggall optimistic about climate collaboration with Abbott'handbrake'gone

The new independent MP for Warringah says the Coalition has been given a clear mandate to govern,and endorsed Tanya Plibersek as a"fantastic"candidate to take over from Bill Shorten.

  • byFergus Hunter
Hopes of thumping win turn into Trumpian nightmare

Hopes of thumping win turn into Trumpian nightmare

Early in the night all the exit polls seemed to indicate a thumping Labor win,but those who remembered the 2016 US presidential election urged caution.

  • byPeter FitzSimons
Vintage Abbott goes down swinging in Warringah

Vintage Abbott goes down swinging in Warringah

The defeat was emphatic,and yet the mood in Tony Abbott's election do was triumphant.

  • byFergus Hunter andJacqueline Maley
Abbott loses Warringah after huge primary vote for Steggall

Abbott loses Warringah after huge primary vote for Steggall

There was an enormous swing against the former PM,putting him in an unwinnable position against independent rival Zali Steggall.

  • byJacqueline Maley andFergus Hunter
Tony Abbott still can't see the man in the mirror

Tony Abbott still can't see the man in the mirror

Even after losing his seat,Tony Abbott refused to acknowledge that he's out of touch with Australia.

  • byPeter Hartcher
Crossbench shaping up as climate battleground

Crossbench shaping up as climate battleground

Members of the new crossbench could be kingmakers in the next Parliament but are not united in their demands on the next government.

  • byDana McCauley
Win or lose in Warringah,Abbott and Australia have Howard to thank

Win or lose in Warringah,Abbott and Australia have Howard to thank

In predicting a result in Warringah,there is the data and then there is the mood,which seems strongly anti-Abbott.

  • byJacqueline Maley
Liberal volunteer injured with corkscrew at Warringah polling booth

Liberal volunteer injured with corkscrew at Warringah polling booth

The hotly contested electorate,where former prime minister Tony Abbott is facing off against independent Zali Steggall,has seen a race that has turned increasingly bitter.

  • byJacqueline Maley,Ann Ding andSally Rawsthorne
Seven key seats to watch in the election this weekend

Seven key seats to watch in the election this weekend

This weekend's election could go down to the wire,with some prominent figures at risk of losing their seat. These electorates could shape the outcome.

  • byFleta Page