Turbocharging renewables with rooftop solar and subsidised batteries is a sure-fire vote-winner. So why is the government not doing it?
Under Labor’s proposal,the guarantee would be funded through the increased coal royalty revenue the state receives when global energy prices are higher.
Australia’s energy transition reached a record this week as renewables hit 74 per cent of the electricity mix for a half-hour period.
But spare a thought for the small family farms of West Africa,who aren’t getting their fair share of soaring commodity prices.
Homes and business in eastern Australia are running short of gas amid new warnings that supplies are tightening ahead of next winter.
The opposition says it will release the costings of its nuclear policy on its own timeline,but its ambitious claims have raised fresh doubts.
EnergyAustralia misled consumers about power prices as bills were spiking due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
In their duopoly,the big supermarkets have a licence to print money,which is premised on them not bleeding the Australian public dry.
Power bills would rise by hundreds of dollars a year to pay for Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s signature policy,new modelling shows.
The industry says it’s providing a line of credit to people with nowhere else to go amid financial pressures,but advocates say it’s a legislative blind spot.
For Labor,talking about its own policy somehow keeps turning into an ad for the opposition.