Say cheese:Surveillance catches a thief in the Birmingham house

Say cheese:Surveillance catches a thief in the Birmingham house

In this mystery of Scooby-Doo proportions,the least likely suspect had thrown me off the scent.

  • byJohn Birmingham


An inconvenient youth ... but Extinction Rebellion will become heroes

An inconvenient youth ... but Extinction Rebellion will become heroes

This isn’t to write in defence of some numpty who thought buggering up London’s mass transit system was the first step to ecological salvation.

  • byJohn Birmingham
I knew young Annastacia,and the lady never doth protest too much

I knew young Annastacia,and the lady never doth protest too much

The Queensland Premier was never one to threaten the system,despite that photo you keep seeing of her at a"rally"in the 1980s.

  • byJohn Birmingham
The fat of the landlord:Commercial rent is an open and shut case

The fat of the landlord:Commercial rent is an open and shut case

You never hear about greedy landlords gouging start-up businesses for everything they can get.

  • byJohn Birmingham
At the third stroke,Telstra silenced the talking clock

At the third stroke,Telstra silenced the talking clock

Time has run out for that ominous butler voice at the end of the phone.

  • byJohn Birmingham
Brisbane:not quite the life of the party,but close

Brisbane:not quite the life of the party,but close

Leena van Deventer’s Twitter thread on Australian cities as house party guests you never want to meet is both perfect,and begging to be stolen.

  • byJohn Birmingham
The poor kid gave me a thumb and this is what I gave him

The poor kid gave me a thumb and this is what I gave him

A lot of the sorrow of the world grows from stupid,unthinking reactions by idiot blokes who think themselves entirely in the right when they are completely in the wrong.

  • byJohn Birmingham
'Baked'is how I felt at the Brisbane Writers Festival

'Baked'is how I felt at the Brisbane Writers Festival

By the afternoon I had that giddy,head-spinning pleasure,and would shortly regret it.

  • byJohn Birmingham
From my cold,dead hands:In defence of my old iPhone

From my cold,dead hands:In defence of my old iPhone

If you hold on to a phone long enough,you start to develop this perverse attachment to your tired old piece of crap.

  • byJohn Birmingham
Defending the indefensible:Pell is no Ned Kelly

Defending the indefensible:Pell is no Ned Kelly

The defence of George Pell is not a fight for truth or righteousness - it is simply a continuation of politics by other means.

  • byJohn Birmingham
The seven stages of wearing underpants for more than seven days

The seven stages of wearing underpants for more than seven days

Not changing your underpants happens to all sorts of fellows. Astronauts. Polar explorers. The bloke who doesn't feel like walking to the cupboard.

  • byJohn Birmingham