Specialist fee transparency website'put on ice'due to pandemic

Specialist fee transparency website'put on ice'due to pandemic

The Health Department has warned specialists they may be compelled to provide their fees if too few volunteer the information.

  • byRachel Clun


COVIDSafe app identifies just 17 contacts not found by contact tracers

COVIDSafe app identifies just 17 contacts not found by contact tracers

Seven million people have downloaded the app and registered to use it,Senate estimates heard on Monday.

  • byRachel Clun
Aged care COVID-19 deaths could have been curtailed,Brendan Murphy says

Aged care COVID-19 deaths could have been curtailed,Brendan Murphy says

The Health Department boss has conceded the federal government could have acted faster to contain the spread of COVID-19 through Victoria's aged care facilities.

  • byDana McCauley
Health department refuses to release minutes of key COVID-19 meetings

Health department refuses to release minutes of key COVID-19 meetings

Katy Gallagher,chair of the Senate's COVID-19 inquiry,says there must be greater transparency about the health advice given to national cabinet.

  • byDeborah Snow
Australia tipped to join global coronavirus vaccine body

Australia tipped to join global coronavirus vaccine body

Australia is expected to soon take up full membership of a World Health Organisation-led body promising access to coronavirus vaccines.

  • byKatina Curtis
Victoria's'guarantee':St Basil's aged care centre debacle will not happen again

Victoria's'guarantee':St Basil's aged care centre debacle will not happen again

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says a DHHS decision to send home all St Basil's staff and management was necessarily,but Dr Brendan Murphy says it won't happen again.

  • byChip Le Grand
We need a strong national voice to get us through this pandemic

We need a strong national voice to get us through this pandemic

Uncertainty taints all aspects of living now - from going to the supermarket to isolating after a COVID-19 test to having a baby. And we don't know where we should seek information to help us make decisions.

  • The Herald's View
We must stop acting like we have the COVID-19 fight in the bag

We must stop acting like we have the COVID-19 fight in the bag

The outbreak in Victoria has exposed complacency in many facets of our pandemic response.

  • The Herald's View
We could do with more straight talk on the economy

We could do with more straight talk on the economy

We all live in hope that an effective vaccine will come along soon,but we should also consider what we will do if it does not.

  • byShaun Carney
Brendan Murphy,the steady Doc who became a star,makes his exit

Brendan Murphy,the steady Doc who became a star,makes his exit

Professor Brendan Murphy,having attended the Australian bedside for months during a pandemic,appears at his last press conference as Chief Medical Officer.

  • byTony Wright
'How did you get out of the TV?'Brendan Murphy on his brush with fame

'How did you get out of the TV?'Brendan Murphy on his brush with fame

Brendan Murphy never imagined when he became Australia's Chief Medical Officer that he would become so recognisable he would resort to wearing dark glasses and a baseball cap to walk around Lake Burley Griffin with his wife.

  • byDana McCauley